So... I guess we need some ideas for good places for everyone to meet and hang out/chat/whatever? Sadly (because I do live in Seattle), I don't know downtown well at all, and don't know of many places that would really suit the purpose. All I can think of are uhm.. Pacific Place mall area (maybe outdoors?), and GameWorks, because both are very close by, but not really ideal... I guess we could always just meet inside the convention center, too. Other suggestions, anyone? Also... dunno if any of y'all play/ed magic: the gathering, but if so, bring your deck(s); I will be Lastly, no parties at my house; it's way too small
Sid, if they have a magic sealed deck tourney, I plan to play. If not, no decks from me, I haven played since MM.
Yeah I don't think my one bedroom apartment would work too well either ... Not bad ideas for meeting places though if we do decide to find an outside place to gather
I'm betting they'll have another sealed deck like last year, but I dunno about what else they have planned (no schedule posted yet). I'm not all that savvy with the different editions and whatnot, but I am going to bring my fav. deck just in case of a pick up game... did I mention I play M:TG REALLY casually? ... lol, I have no idea what edition or expansion or whatever the cards from my deck are from, I didn't even put it together hahah.. it was a birthday present from my husband last year I actually know very little about M:TG, and was too intimidated to even go into the sealed deck tourney room last year... I'm gonna make up for it this year! Just looking forward to playing a few games with some other peeps, cos currently I just play against my husband, and it gets kinda boring
Even though I don't drink any more, and because of my history of years in wholesale drinking and being a fully committed alcoholic in a previous life, I know Seattle like the back of my hand. I also live right on Capitol Hill so as we get closer I can make sure we get to some good spots. We can basically just choose things as we go as far as stuff to do before and after PAX proper -- it's all at the convention center so it's very convenient. There are parties etc that crop up as you go and for some you have to be agile to get invitations. One thing we should do is everyone who lives nearby can meet up a week or two before PAX and have coffee and hash out a few details of stuff we want to do together, including meet up, save space in line, have breakfast on day 1 etc. Then we can just make ourselves aware of interesting stuff, and pick and choose as we go. I'm pretty excited! Earley I suggest anyone going should read up on this forum. It's pretty much the hub of all things happening in/out of PAX. Edit: Is anyone planning to BYOC for the LAN room? I'm thinking about it.
Im all for meeting before hand. Im fully mobile and if need be i can pick people up whatever. Im in Puyallup and know how to get to alot of places but dont know places in seattle. My place would not be good for a meetup though. Edit: Ill probly bring my Alienware Laptop but dont think ill actually pack in my tower and CRT moniitor. I need to know whos BYOC'ing so I can get us group seating
Ahh, nice link, I'll have to dig around in there this weekend when I have more free time I'm not bringing my beast of a computer, because the only games I play on it are MMORPGs (GW, archlord), and ... yeah, not suited for a LAN gaming .. thing. I'm bringing my DS, that's about it Earley, meeting a week or two beforehand to try and plan things out a bit sounds good to me, when the time gets closer we'll work out where and when, aye?
I'll be bringing both my Laptops, my DS, and my PSP(Which should hopefully be hacked by then) . Slares, I'm signing up for BYOC as I write this.
I dunno man, last year they had a contest/event thingy running all weekend with buttons where you compete to win as many buttons as you can (challenge a person wearing a button, win, take the button). The guys at the counter for the signup were asking for people's "portable game devices" before handing over buttons, and said they laughed at and scorned anybody who showed up with a PSP We'll see what they have goin' this year
aww maybe my psp will have to stay home and keep my desktop company. I'll probly have my laptop and I now have to invest in a DS after Square Enix announced Chrono Trigger DS... Why must they do this to my wallet?
OOh! Hadn't heard about that; <3 chrono trigger, that's definitely something to look forward to btw, what I said earlier is not to discourage you from bringing your PSP's, just pointing out that they may not have organized stuff for you to do with 'em... I'm willing to bet a ton of other peeps will bring 'em too and you can vs. in the lounge areas or whatever you like.
Woah. Yah we probably were separated at birth. However, my deck is circa 3rd edition for the most part. It's probably soooooo illegal now. My friend that I used to play with moved and, well, I stopped getting cards. I think the last xpac that I actually bought a bunch of cards from was Ice Age. Yeah, it's like that. Also, yes, I am saying I am poor and can't do the plane ticket to Seattle, nevermind paying for hotel and PAX once I get there.
I can see it now... ...first we talk WoW at Merv's and get the bartender to confess that he was an Evercrack dude. Next, it's M:TG at that table in the corner. I'm so telling him. "Hey, Zapper, remember back when the packs still had basic lands in them?"
Whats wrong with Evercrack >.> <.< And MTG ftw! havnt played in so long. From what I understand we need at least 6 people to reserve ourselves a spot in the BYOC area.
I'm sort of a mooch when it comes to MTG, hahah... my brother taught me how to play when we were like 12 (my brother is 10 mo. older than me), and I made decks out of his cards, then I pretty much forgot about it until... several years later I met my future husband and found out he has a massive collection of MTG cards, lol Quite sad to hear you can't make it to PAX this year, but y'know, there's always next year *crosses fingers*