I think the idea has use, but I don't agree with it's usage. What I see when I picture XoO is a mature gaming guild filled with good people who are nice to chat with playing online games. Would I like to have something define all of us? Not really. I believe all of us have the potential to define ourselves, if we believe in the same goal then the members will work towards it, and if you clearly represent and inform people of the goals then that will organize the members. Lev = Lion You = Not a Lion Thanks a lot for your consideration anyway Kyoji.
I only like it when the mascot slips and falls... Then I get a few laughs out of it. But I agree with Secksy... A mascot seems useless atm. We have so many other things that we should be doing that it seems to be a waste of time.
dont care we are getting one anyway (if a particular someone makes it). i said so is why. no I am not joking. without going into several different religions, psychology, etc ill just say that something cool and easy to reconize > all that you said. to sum it all up...mascots are a simple way of reconzing a guild as is a logo, thats why people do it. great guilds should be remembered and its easier to do that with a logo/mascot. We have a logo, perhaps a redesign we can work up, but a mascot we do not. Why have one? Why not? there is really only a few people that can design such a thing and I am not one of them so the task force will still be free and it will not interfere with any current projects. besides, there are not many in the task force that do anything anyways so either way nothing will get done unless they find something that they can work on, perhaps this will entice someone to step up and do something useful. like i said, unless you can draw and color well then this isn't a task for you, but I know of at least 1 person that can so perhaps others may be of use. Only post if you have ideas that reflect the topic. I don't care if you think its useless, this isnt a poll. Not everyone will like the idea, no one can ever agree on one thing it seems anyway. If someone steps up i think it will be a great addition. =)
IMO mascots are for kids... I would think that a cool logo would more accurately reflect our player base. But hey if someone came up with an amazing mascot my view could change.
I just think that the concept of a mascot/logo design, editing, ect that effects not only the face of the guild but everything down to our gamertags should be at bare minimum discussed before a change is decided, where as you seem to have your heart set on it even though you haven't really given us any indication you're in the green. ({X}) is the current tag and logo, it's what a lot of our members wear in-game, in-chat, ect. We already have a logo, please explain the reasons we need a logo despite already having one? As for a mascot, you said that people will agree and disagree on a mascot, but isn't the whole point of it to boost moral and togetherness? Would it not be counterintuitive to create a mascot which has conflicting sense of taste towards it in terms of the goal being moral? On the note of Task Force, everyone who is currently TF active already has a running job whether posted or not, I'm not sure what you're on about spreading private matters into the public forums, but I assume benign intent.
www.deviantart.com its full of win if you know the mascot for them. they make for good t-shirts, etc as well. 1stmerc (guild) has a mascot as well. dash said he liked the idea so if something cool comes up we may roll with it. nothing is green until we see a finished product. the same reason we can use a change in logo is the same reason we could use a change in layout...change. not saying we need a new one, but tbh i done think anyone can create the old emblem anyway, but thats not my primary concern atm really. everything has a conflict in taste in XoO...its what we do. no matter what anyone says there is always a disenting opinion. I would say lets give it a shot and see how it goes, if it looks like crap we can try again. the task force isnt secluded to the bat cave, there are no real private matters. I dont think anyone in the current TF can do what I am asking for anyways so this wouldnt even really apply, but if someone were to be able to do such a thing then this would be a nice project for them. again the point of the thread is not to debate whether we will have a mascot or not, but to see if anyone is interested in developing some plans for one. its not a priority job, but is something that dash and myself have mentioned before and thought it could be a useful tool for the guild.
Comparing Deviant Art to XoO is a little silly. >_> That's like comparing Chuck Norris to a Baby Squirrel.
http://www.1stmerc.net/ I googled and got this, can you please shed some light on 1stmerc (guild) ? Sounds reasonable, I'd like to see how this evolves. Well, if we need to do anything with the logo a new version of the old one could be made pretty easily, it wouldn't be exactly the same since the original is done with 3d graphics but it would generally be the same. Hell I bet we could augment our current TF to include some 3d art programs. Well as long as you want to try then I say you should go for it as a side project, but don't be surprised if we can't find a medium that everyone is comfortable with in this guild of 'varied taste' (paraphrased) whether or not the comfort is voiced publicly or at all. If there was such problem with someone spreading private matters into public realms it wouldn't be discussed publicly anyway so I don't see your point. My submission is the absence of a mascot, people can agree with my submission and agree with it's merits, the same as someone can submit a pie and agree with it/agree with a pie representing the guild. Once the finished product is completed it can be weighted against my submission, yes? Good luck, Kyoji.
You guys, he was asking for an opinion on what TYPE of image the mascot/logo should be, not if you think it is a good idea. He already stated that it is not a HUGE priority for us in the TF atm, but so what? It is a project, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't then it doesn't. But honestly, I think it is a good idea. I will help in any way I can Kyoji just PM if you need something from me or talk to me on vent.
I say we steal Ronald McDonald just to show that we're bigger than McDonald's and we take whatever the fuck we want.
Ok, this is my 2 cent. I think it was Isurus who designed our current logo and I think it is perfect. I don't want some stupid little mascot to symbolize the outfit. I think the ({x}) is who we are. I think that our symbol being something so simple as a letter and not a living character is more defining as a mature professional guild. We don't need a cartoon to attempt to represent what is supposed to be a bunch of adults who take their gaming seriously.