exemplary: lailana kailope whisky leader: whisky most active: darkpheonix kubis/prelude best new recruit: lunda/typson
Division-Specific Awards (Aion EU) Exemplary (Aion EU) member of 2010 lailana, kaliope, whisky Favorite (Aion EU) leader of 2010 whisky Most active (Aion EU) member of 2010 darkphoenix, kubis/prelude Best new (Aion EU) recruit of 2010 lunda/typson xoo FTW!!!
Global Awards Most contributive member of 2010 (list up to 8) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.) Kyoji Dash Favorite leader of 2010 (list up to 3) (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/Xenate/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.) Aion EU - Insho Aion NA - Foxy Founder - Dash (Helped Aion EU out alot, much appreciated) Popularity award of 2010 (list up to 3) (individuals you enjoy the most for 2010) Aion EU - Eltyjojo Founder - Dash Aion EU - Spud __________________________________________________ Division Awards Division-Specific Awards (Aion EU) Exemplary (Aion EU) member of 2010 (list up to 3) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Poledra Dark Pheonix DialFluid Favorite (Aion EU) leader of 2010 (list only 1) (includes CO/XO/Officers) Insho Most active (Aion EU) member of 2010 (list up to 2) (either on the forums or in-game) Poledra (Without doubt the most consistent and active Aion EU member. No one in the Division can claim to be as active as she has been) Best new (Aion EU) recruit of 2010 (list only 1) (limited to members with a join date of 2010) Anonter
Most contributive member of 2010 Kyoji Darkpheonix Foxy Favorite leader of 2010 Lailana Whisky Foxy Favorite poster of 2010 Lailana Spud Prelude Belthazar Kyoji Best overall recruit of 2010 Napoleon Prelude Rhunna Popularity award of 2010 Lailana Kyoji Kitsune Top Posters award of 2010 Kyoji Kitsune Lailana __________________________________________________ Exemplary (Aion EU) member of 2010 Whisky Kronenburg Darkphoenix Favorite (Aion EU) leader of 2010 Lailana Most active (Aion EU) member of 2010 Anonter Best new (Aion EU) recruit of 2010 Prelude
Division-Specific Awards (Aion EU) Exemplary (Aion EU) member of 2010 (list up to 3) Whisky Favorite (Aion EU) leader of 2010 (list only 1) Dark Pheonix Most active (Aion EU) member of 2010 (list up to 2) Prelude Dial Best new (Aion EU) recruit of 2010 (list only 1) Kalliope
Division-Specific Awards (Aion NA) Exemplary (Aion NA) member of 2010 (list up to 4) -Anivar -Kitsune -Cylar -Vandiego Favorite (Aion NA) leader of 2010 (list only 1) -Foxy Most active (Aion NA) member of 2010 (list up to 2) -Enchantress -Kitsune Best new (Aion NA) recruit of 2010 (list only 1) -Kitsune
Most contributive member of 2010 TheCox Rubius Sokar Doc Favorite poster of 2010 doctorie kava Rubius Terand Kyoji Sogetsu Popularity award of 2010 doctorie kava Kyoji Top Posters award of 2010 TheCox Kyoji Doc
Most contributive member of 2010 Kyoji Darkpheonix Insho Favorite leader of 2010 Lailana Whisky Insho Favorite poster of 2010 Lailana Spud Kyoji Best overall recruit of 2010 Napoleon Popularity award of 2010 Lailana Kyoji Kitsune Top Posters award of 2010 Kyoji Kitsune Lailana __________________________________________________ Exemplary (Aion EU) member of 2010 Whisky Insho Darkphoenix Favorite (Aion EU) leader of 2010 Lailana Most active (Aion EU) member of 2010 Anonter Best new (Aion EU) recruit of 2010 typson
Most contributive member of 2010 (list up to 8) Kyoji Q Arimil Dash Favorite leader of 2010 (list up to 3) Senrai Kyoji Favorite poster of 2010 (list up to 6) The Cox Sogetsu Doctorie ViciousDS Arimil moneda Best overall recruit of 2010 (list up to 4) Moneda Kurushii Arimil Popularity award of 2010 (list up to 3) The Cox Sogetsu Xamiazi Top Posters award of 2010 (list up to 6) Sogetsu Doc Arimil doctorie Division-Specific Awards (League of Legends) Exemplary (League of Legends) member of 2010 (list up to 2) Brownmccoy Favorite (League of Legends) leader of 2010 (list only 1) Berch Most active (League of Legends) member of 2010 (list up to 2) Terand KYNB23 Best new (League of Legends) recruit of 2010 (list only 1) Terand
Most contributive member of 2010 (list up to 8) Dash Kyoji Arimil Q Favorite leader of 2010 (list up to 3) TheBerch Waxxoff Favorite poster of 2010 (list up to 6) Doc ViciousDS Kyoji Arimil Best overall recruit of 2010 (list up to 4) Moneda Kurushii Arimil Popularity award of 2010 (list up to 3) Sogetsu Arimil Xamiazi Top Posters award of 2010 (list up to 6) Doc Arimil Kyoji Division-Specific Awards (League of Legends) Exemplary (League of Legends) member of 2010 (list up to 2) Mercsan Favorite (League of Legends) leader of 2010 (list only 1) Berch Most active (League of Legends) member of 2010 (list up to 2) Mercsan TheBerch Best new (League of Legends) recruit of 2010 (list only 1) Doc
Most contributive member of 2010 (list up to 8) Dash Kyoji Xenate Favorite leader of 2010 (list up to 3) Dash Kyoji Favorite poster of 2010 (list up to 6) Sokar Kyoji doctorie Sogetsu Popularity award of 2010 (list up to 3) Sogetsu Xamiazi TheCox Top Posters award of 2010 (list up to 6) Kyoji doctorie TheCox Sokar ---------- Exemplary (Aion EU) member of 2010 (list up to 3) Spud Favorite (Aion EU) leader of 2010 (list only 1) Spud Most active (Aion EU) member of 2010 (list up to 2) Lailana Darkphoenix Best new (Aion EU) recruit of 2010 (list only 1) Whisky
em. Nominations are used more or less as votes which are tallied to decide the winners for each category, which there are typically a few or more for each category. Sorry if the wording was a bit confusing, but there will not be any more voting after this.
Since I do not know most of the non Aion people, I vote Lailana for all the World things! She comes and chats with anyone and has a great attitude. For most IQ lowering posts, I mean most interesting posts I Vote the Cox and Doc and anyone who said "Thats what she said" <anivar> Ok on to the best: NA Aion best newest member: Jillie <idk if she qualifies, but she is my pick> Leader: Kitsune <yup she gets to hear all the complaints and can not complain back> Most active: ummm.....hard one here cause I think I might qualify for that.....anyone with no life! Most exmp player: Belthasar, Kinjite, Enchantress, Daru they let me kill them and come when I call for help when I must replace an idiot pug or when I need one more person to help someone in an instance.