I have a char in the guild still. Not sure if I have any permissions though, haven't played in a while.
How many people would be willing to group up on the same server come expansion? Since we could just roll our free 90 together. I was thinking it would be fun to Xen down some open world PVP and the gearless arenas.
Interesting info graphic that was released: https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/gallery/4LDK7NJY1KUD1390922506769.jpg
Pre-orders live! Huzza : D If anyone else is interested I'll be looking to start up full time on Emerald Dream (RP-PVP) as it has the most world pvp action. Come the release of the expansion it would be awesome if we can get a group of Xen members playing together in the new world pvp zone (which is going to be similar but larger than old AV). Plus with Flex raiding we can get a dynamic raid group going if we wanted to (I doubt we would have the numbers or schedules for Mythic). Let me know if anyone is interested and I'll add you on my b.net. Mostly play Mondays and Wednesday ~