I'm really not for this. F2P games are nice, but the pay2win mentality that comes with them isn't. Sure, you could implement ways for people to get the items without spending money. But in reality the person that spends more money will level faster and generally be stronger than you. Putting you at a disadvantage unless you spend just as much as him/her.
In GW all the items you pay for are aesthetic only, read: skins and models. Nothing that interferes with game mechanics. As much as I do not really care about WoW, I want to see WAR f2p, I'd love to play this game again buy paying two subs just cant fit my wallet /:
Eh, this is one of those things that will only happen when WoW is officially replaced by another Blizzard MMO. And when that time comes then WoW going F2P is just whatever.
For me as a euro, the only advantage to a F2P wow is I would finally be able to play with the american division. As a euro there was never an option, so ended up playing pve as alliance. Personally I dislike the regional setting in games, especially as part of a multinational & international gaming community.