Ehh, to me, it's expendable income. I don't spend money on much else than food most of the time, so games (and things to play them on) are one thing I do tend to splurge on from time to time (because I spend a lot of time gaming). ... especially if I've enjoyed and invested as much time and effort into them as I have with Guild Wars (about 4.5k hours over 3 years... 18 PvE characters ). Even I had a hard time justifying pay to play to myself, until I sat down and really thought about how much money I've spent on GW. I picked up WoW to bide my time for GW2, and it's going to be worth the money to me to keep me entertained and less anxious until then
Getting to L20 doesn't take too long. If you finish every campaign with each one, that might keep you occupied for a while.
Sid since you and Gif are playing WoW you should sell everything you own and buy me zkeys. I think it sounds like a good idea.
mmm, no, not so much lol... I'm still working part time on filling out my HoM for GW2, and that ain't free
lol, true story - I agree the same way, its fine to pay for the game but then to have to pay for a monthly charge is stupid. GW has huge success and is still has a huge fan base, and they dont charge. Why cant other companies just look at what a-net has done and follow. Gaming is suppose to be about fun and competition, not milking you every month as EF2 puts it =) I dont feel like im having fun when I play and realize that im being charged which makes me have to play more, and what if i want to go away for a month? im all pissed cuz i payed in advance, which in general is almost like stealing from people. I believe the did a south park episode on this, it was awesome and so true.
I don't necessarily agree with the amount of money charged per month for games, or blah blah blah, but I will say this about WoW, which is the 2nd MMO I've ever played You get something for your money; the client is free to download. They have GMs online in game 24/7 to deal with issues ranging from glitches to abuse to "oops, I redeemed my pvp points for the wrong item". They don't have anything anywhere CLOSE to that for GW. Sure, you may not need it for GW, but it's, in a lot of ways, a much smaller game than WoW, due to the map travel, low level cap, etc... These are differences, it doesn't really mean one is better or worse. I like both. It's okay to pay for something you like. If you're taking a month off, cancel your sub and renew it when you get back
If you're paying monthly, they better do a lot more than fixing your screwups. Since I fix my own screwups or accept them as my own stupidity, I don't need that. Everything about WoW is built around mindless/pointless grinding
I've heard that soooo many times it's just not funny anymore. Sad part is, I used to think the same thing/believe it when people told me this. Used to. But after getting into a class I like, and playing with people I like, and enjoying reading the quests and learning about the lore of the place as I progress through the different map areas... I've been playing about 3 weeks, no grinding, have about 150 gold. I talked to Shoji about this as well, and it seems that a lot of people just want to get to lvl 70 as fast as possible, and "the game starts at 70," blah blah. But man. You lost that race, as she said, just relax and enjoy the ride I can't speak for anything past the level I'm currently at, but I haven't found the game to be grindy at all yet; I've ground a LOT more in GW. A LOT more. The game is as grind as you want to make it, I guess. I may change my tune when I get to the point where I can go fish for Mr. Pinchy... but that's my choice to get the magical crawdad; it's far from required
Every game has repetive aspects. (There are only so many buttons to press, after all. ) And every game is "pointless" except as entertainment. Not every game is meant to be entertaining to every person. If people find it entertaining, then they'll pay for it. If not, they won't. I'll happy plunk down several hundred dollars for basketball season tickets, but you'd have to pay me to get me to go watch NASCAR live. That doesn't mean that lots of people don't enjoy NASCAR....or that they shouldn't enjoy NASCAR...or that NASCAR is pointless... It just means, it's not for me. I feel like I get my dollars' worth of entertainment out of my WoW monthly fee. If you don't, that's fine--no one's making you play. Nowai! Getting Mr. Pinchy can be worked on gradually, so you just mix it in with your other daily activities. OH! When do you want to go on a fishing field trip and see my fave fishing spots? (WoW: It's all about Ghost Wolf and Fishing )