Will post link I have saved from Microsoft website when I get home. EDIT: never mine I just felt like looking it up now: http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?LN=en-us&p1=14484&x=9&y=16 http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?LN=en-us&p1=14498&x=17&y=12 you can however get extended support on the Professional and Enterprise editions up till 2020. This is a pay per incident support past the 2015 timeframe and only for the Pro and Enterprise. Pro and Enterprise also get continued security updates till 2020 while Home and Ultimate only get security updates till 2015. It is important to note this is for SECURITY hotfixes only on the Pro and Ent editions, past 2015 those editions still will not get compaitibility hotfixes or other things: http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?LN=en-us&p1=14481&x=19&y=15 http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?LN=en-us&p1=14482&x=14&y=9 I also have a image from the microsoft website with all this info compiled onto a single place.
I don't know why gamers care about their windows being supported. Seriously. Are you going to phone Microsoft because your FPS sucks suddenly ? My home PC security depends on the quality of my firewall and my behaviour about suspect files. Not Microsoft. FWIW, 2003 server is still supported.
Yeah it seems that windows is trying to get its foot into the tablet market, which, I am not excited about. Let the douche bag "cool kids" and "up-scale" soccer moms have fun with their apple products. The only reason why someone would buy this is because it will be shiney and new. There is going to be a lot of buyers remorse when it comes to this. This is just a cheap gimmick and its going to flop.
Historically, buyer's remorse hasn't been an issue with things like WP7/Zune... the issue has been that sales aren't great in the first place. Time will tell whether this is any different, but it has a better chance of getting noticed.
Yea, windows 8 makes me think of tablet computers too. I don't have any plans to buy this. I am sticking with my Macbook Pro, and no, I am not a douche bag The only thing I don't like about a mac is the limited amount of software that is compatible with it. Luckily, Blizzard makes Mac versions of WoW and SC2.