Ive noticed we have alot of good looking ladies in XoO, this is a *thumbs up* in my book. Keep on looking good.
I've been "Kaybek" since way back in EQ1 days. I just made it up, doesn't really have any meaning and seemed to fit the Ogre I was playing. That said, people have asked me in every game since if I'm from Quebec. While I see the simliarity in pronunciation, I couldn't imagine naming a character after a real life place. For alts I normally go with Krazbek (short for Krazy Bek since Kaybek is more serious), Caybin (polar opposite of Kaybek), and Dranak (normaly a squishy caster type)
Well my name started years ago, back when I was still in school on Quake TF, the very first Quake mod made and I needed to think a name for me fast. First it started out with "päärynä" (pear in english ), then modified to "parnaz" (maybe it looked cooler in that age ) and some point when I was still playing CS I changed it to "prN" for whatever reason and for MMOs I've been using "prNu" after that.
I tend to pick names that have a specific meaning in one language or another. I speak French, some Latin and some Japanese, so I tend to stick with names drawn from those languages. Most of my toons prior to WoW had somewhat meaningless names. I chose Mortae for my undead lock because in Latin it means "from death" and that name has sort of stuck with me.
Well i actually have a list of names i pick out when making my characters... Zerenithi was born in FFXI ... i wanted to play a Thief and the best race *by stats* to play a Thief was the Mithra which happened to be an all female *cat girl* race *looks over to Kira* I wanted to give it a unique name and at the time Serenity came to mind so i changed it up a bit with the Z and TH Owainn was born when GW first came out ... I wanted to play a mesmer. The mesmer class looked like a button up richie rich noble type of class at the time so I thought Id make a good name out of it which took the name from a character of King Arthurs story. the name had many spellings so i took Owain and added an N. it means of noble birth.. Ymaqyhtan is actually my real name in another language Mortiso, Dentsumakato, and Teswimada are all names from characters in a story ive been working on since middle school.*cept teswimada its a name of a sword one of my character wields* Even tho i have almost every detail down to the point where each characters story is a book on its own, i never found the urge to sit down and write it down. to avoid boredom i wont go about my other names
In CoD or shooter I always pick Alucard. If u saw the anime u know that Alucard as a damn good aim like me :O XD . In Aion I picked Enzeru cuz it mean angel and I thought playing Elyos the name would be a good fit!
my first multipler game online was a MUD called arcane nites. imbaness! there i had a few names. lalleglad (most because it was fun listening to americans trying to say it on TS and roger wilco (yes i'm old)) Geni, (gee-ny) bit of an ego booster back then. auken (a politician here in denmark who worked hard for the enviroment when he was alive). Damugi - (damu-Gi) my God char on arcane nites, was made immortal to help run the game. was a great time of my life and sometimes i still use that nick, tho rarely these days. then came wow and "saec" was born, i think that name was something i picked out of a list of 5000 generated names (i had a cool name generator) i liked it so my mage was given that name. Daibar, my current nick, (Dae-Barr) lisa sort of came up with that i think, during a server change in wow.
Well my first ever online name was LOS, it kinda started out when i used to play beat em up's in the arcade. I used to play them for hours on end as i live near the seaside and we have a bit of a resort here with loads of arcade games (its crap now, but used to be ace). One day I felt that Killer Instinct knew it was me when i was putting in my initials KDM, and would ramp up the difficulty (no idea why i felt believed that), so started to use LOS and a tag instead. Then it kinda stuck. Sadly tho it backfired on me, coz when I was getting high scores people didnt believe it was me coz LOS aint my initials. Had many arguments over that, ahhh those were the days lol. So Los kinda followed me thru Phantasy Star Online, Ragnarok Online, eventually to WOW. However after 3 months of Alliance side and Lagforge i changed to Horde side. Made a undead warlock and decided up Resheak, had her for most of my wow life. Then when TBC came out i made a Belf Pally, and came up with Sarlhan, just felt the name really fit for some reason, had a druid called Jarelk. Basically then after a brief period of writing some fan fiction on wow and stuff jokingly decided that Sarlina is Sarlhan's sister. So now Sarlhan (M), Sarlina(F) and Resheak(F) are my main MMO names now. Sarlhan is going to be my Aion Spiritmaster alt, and Sarlina my chanter main.
My very first MMO character was an assassin in Ragnarok Online named Moonlight. Since then I haven't use the name at all in any MMOs but in Aion I'm using it again. It's a reference to umbreon (one of my favorite pokémon) as well as some other things IRL and from video games in general.
My first EVOR username was Alpha327 on AOL . No clue where it came from.. =P just sounded cool at the time. Then started to use SpaceCow around when Diablo came out. Themed after the famous "Cow Level". Used Vermicious Knid and Regnaw Zzons (see it?) during a bunch of MMO's.. I'm a Willy Wonka fan =) I was also big on FPS games.. and would use random names based on objects in game.. One night I got back into Counter Strike and loved using the no smoke bomb spray .. so I figured... No_Smoking would be interesting.. used it ever since. It doesn't work too well in MMO's.. so my spin off is Nosmo King or just Nosmo =)
Rolled with Milena for my Aion main, it's Mila Kunis' birth name. I heard her say it on Kilborn once and was in /love. I think I have watch/heard her say "I killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die" in Russian about 497 times. <3 <3
hehe. firestarsolo - I chose this to be my "hacker" handle in 7th grade (hey, that was in 1997...I wanted to be a hacker and be so cool! Honestly I was just a script kiddie back then, but it eventually landed me a job in the field of software engineering!) ... I wanted to pick "firestar" but that screenname was taken on AOL so I had to think of a new one (ahhaha). I like Star Wars, and I enjoy alone time, so I tacked on "solo" at the end...thus, firestarsolo. Discjockey - well, the Magus class in Warhammer Online is permanently attached to a disc to move around on. I think that's pretty self-explanatory. I ride a disc, therefore I'm a disc jockey. Pryftan - (from Lord of the Rings Online) - Tolkien's original name for Smaug, the dragon in "The Hobbit". I still haven't had my name changed for a lore violation, probably because Tolkien didn't end up using it in any of the books. Tribadism - I like using this name because it sounds cool and nobody knows what it is until they look it up on Google. Then I get banned or get my name changed. I think I might be choosing a new handle soon, but I don't want to reveal what it is yet. . . <
I've been using Nemesis in various ways since starcraft came out and that's the earliest that I can remember me using a screen name for a game. I think I may have used it for Tiberian sun too. Edit: Oh yeah, I think it came from Resident evil or the demon named Nemesis. I think a little bit of both. I just throw general in front of it and my other name Suvorov sometimes because it's usually taken Suvorov is a Russian General that never lost a single battle and is one of the highest awards to be given out currently in Russia. I usually use nem for more fiction stuff and Suv for more realistic games that have the army and stuff like that which is odd since I use Nemesis for Cod4...