A study done on cancer mortality rates from X-Rays: http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/RMP/execsumm.html Its big so you can just skim through it if you want. A lot of good stuff is in Chapter 1.
I'm not saying X-rays aren't the cause cancer problems. I'm saying is that these xray machines put off a thousandth of what the medical x-rays put out. The paper enigma linked is even talking about how if we reduced the x-ray emissions(like the airport ones have been) then they drastically reduce them as a inductive agent. So it would take 684 airport x-rays to equal the same radiation of one arm/limb/dental scan. I'm confused about the overall study of that paper though. The first chapter he talks about medical x-rays but the 4th and 5th he changes his wording to ionized radiation which includes gamma, x-ray, and ultraviolet. Then he goes into the A-bomb victims and debunking the 5-year claim.
Well there is a faux story going around the net that a TSA agent in CO was caught masturbating to the pictures of the scans of a high school volley ball team. I could not find anything like this on a credited and nationally recognized news outlet just some blogger from the UK.
THat would be odd since in all the pictures I have seen of the leaked x-ray scans, there really would be no content you could get off on. OMG look, a fuzzy skeleton.
I've known two people that have died from radiation in the last year. One who's mother was pregnant with her at Hiroshima (Susan).. the other at chernobyl (Lena)... the reason i even post this is... it can take many years before the damage of radiation might even be known. I dont intend to live forever...so Meh..scan me..pat me...get me on that damn plane..just be quick. I did get the pat down at L.A. airport boarding for NZ....I don.t see what the problem is. I used to do boarding security at New Orleans international airport. They just doing a job,its not for grins and giggles. Its to keep you safe..so stop the QQ..your holding up the line.
the leaked pictures were from machines at some legal building, and are not the same machines in use at airports, airport backscatter machines actually take much more detailed pictures. I recently flew out of DSM (Des Moines International) and they do not use the new scanners there. I also flew out of DIA (Denver International Airport) and they are not using the new scanners there in the mainstream. I did notice that there was a sign that read something like ' this way to shorter security line ' im guessing this was the new backscatter scanners. Ive also heard that Eastern Iowa Regional Airport doesnt use them.. yet.
Flew today from tulsa international to denver and tulsa has everyone going through them. Funny part was that I got scanned and patted down because they thought they saw something around my waste. I told them I was just using my dick to hold my pants up while I didn't have my belt on, the guy laughed and hesitated a bit. He also said they haven't had a single person opt out over the last 2 days. BTW elastic waste bands from boxers show up weird I guess.
Radiation damage is cumulative. Every x-ray you take slightly increases your chance of cancer. The question you ask is whether it's convenient enough to take that risk. From wikipedia:
So it seems you have to go through this scanner a shit ton of times before the direct effects of the rads have an impact. Its not like you go through one time and BAM, cancer. I will say that yes it is a health hazard to go through this machine hundreds of times a day for a year but realistically, how many people are going to do that. The main thing I would be worried about is the photos being taken. It seems to be an evasion of privacy but on the other hand they want to make sure that people are not smuggling deadly items onto planes to cause more terrorist attacks. There are both pros and cons to this type of machine. One would think that the average person can take a calculated risk when going through one of these machines. If they don't want to there are other options to take when traveling. Driving, cruise lines/boats, buses the only thing you may be giving up is time and possibly money. Then again flying is getting really expensive so driving short distances would be cheaper on your wallet than a round trip plane ticket.
the largests pilots union tells its pilots..do not go thru the scanner. Id take their advice over some anon advice here. http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/...ver-health-fears/story-e6frfq80-1225947834443
I don't think the TSA is an anon... The paper makes an interesting point though. The radiation is focused through the skin making it more concentrated at that point which could result in a higher dosage to one part of the body than others making the extremely small amount of radiation might actually mean something. Though this is all still speculation on the part of people pissed that they have to get scanned and a media hype that preys on fear like usual. I'm still sticking to the only actual research done that anyone has presented.
Now you can protect your junk..with lead lined underwear.. http://www.good.is/post/tsa-scanner-underwear-protects-your-privates-from-government-x-rays/
If my name was Dick Steele I would wear those into the airport every time I fly. "Sir, do you have metal in your pants?" "...." *Present ID* "Sorry sir. Move along."