but again, this isn't a movie that you go to for plot It is for bullets and fights that really don't make any physical sense.
lol i downloaded this movie, not the best quality but was good enough and might i say it was awsome, some things were kinda silly but still fun to watch cant wait to get some money and watch it on the big screen....that or hancock which is also fantastic
Eh, I'm usually not the kind of guy who can expect those "twists". Shamalayn's(sp) "Lady in the Water" is really the only exception, but only because it almost handed the story to me mid-way through.
I never saw Lady in the Water, so what was the twist? It's ok you can tell me cause Shamalamabamalana is a terrible movie maker anyway. Also, I want to know the twist in Wanted please Secksy ^_^ ALSO, I thought Hancock was the greatest movie i've ever seen, without being a trilogy or more than 3 hours long, so that rules out the Matrix and LOTR.
sent you a PM with the twist as to not spoil the thread... damn /code wouldn't cooperate with me also WTB Spoiler tags!
Hancock was amazing. Other than Samuel L. Jackson, Will Smith is my favorite actor and he is a damn good one. I didn't see wanted because it looked shallow and boring. You know, more of the same old "lets blow shit up" movie type. I can't stand to watch a movie with a weak plot.
wanted: the binary based loom of fate??? really. i didnt read the comics, but that was LAME. the movie is good for a great laugh. that acting and action are great but the writing is weak. i think the writers phoned it is mid way through. i haven't seen hancock yet, but did see narnia. all i can say about narnia is i'm glad i didn't pay for it cause i would have been pissed (snuck into it after finally seeing ironman). too bad cause i liked the first film.
yeah the writers ripped out the real semblance of super-villians and heroes that the original comics used
The storyline sucked ass. The action scenes were pretty neat if not a bit too much. Overall would not rent or pay to see it again.
I just saw the movie and I thought it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be and ::bonus:: angelina jolie is Xtra hawt!!