Well we didnt hear back from you... So I am guessing these drivers probably black screened you and then exploded your GPU. It seems like a logical conclusion.
LOL Downloaded but did not install as intended, got caught up with work. I'll look to install later this afternoon / evening
You would have a heart attack if you saw the list of unfixed bugs that Nvidia cards have. Plus Nvidia likes to drum up business by once a year releasing a beta driver that overheats and destroys 10-20% of the cards it is installed on.
not sure if you're still looking for a new card, but here's what i got a couple days ago for $200 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202063 came with a BF4 code that im also planning on selling. price was upped by $20 now though. so far i've been able to play PS2 50-60 FPS easily on ultra settings.
Well this has been a fairly strange situation with the card, but at least it seems to have been a driver problem after all and not necessarily hardware related. Glad it is working for you now.