Keep Talking in the meantime Mexicans are Eating at McDonals all over Mexico DF to keep their number 1 spot!
Oh really? I worked there during High School and never saw anything disgusting. Sure it's high calorie, but nothing stands out as nasty.
I doubt that.....might make me think when im eating the next one. But I wont stop eating Mc D...or any other fast food. Ive worked fast food..had lots of friends as cooks in top notch 4 star places..chefs...pastry chefs..sauciers(sp?)...they all had horror stories. I worked in major grocery stores...yea....don't ask about the food your will sleep better at night. did someone piss in your corn flakes?...probably
Yeah all I can say is that McDonalds burger patties are made from ground babies of different species, including human.
Sorry I had a witty retort but I was distracted by your forum avatar. I'll post it once it comes back to mind.
Take a guess as to what that is, then click it to find out if you're right. Also, I had a Bic Mac yesterday. :bashful:
Note: that meat sludge is often full of bacteria and stuff [E. Coli or salmonella, yum!] after coming out of the machinery that creates it, so it's cleaned by being soaked in ammonia! :drool: