saw the video, it wouldnt load last time i looked at it. It looks nothing like a missle like they claim lol
Just saying. To the people who are saying we should be further ahead. What are you actually doing, what are you contributing to the human race on the whole. Your saying we should be better, why don't YOU invent some new theory or a new composite?
Just saying. If for 500 years scientists were able to openly share their ideas I would probably be living on Mars. Or in space like this guy:
If we're still talking about the Dark Ages, I beg to differ. Modern scientific knowledge goes something like this: Greek > Roman > Islamic (Golden Age) > European (Renaissance) > Industrial Revolution > Enlightenment > modern era note that this is concurrent with the developments in China, which are probably injected into every single age in the last few millennia (if you think about it, probably everything we know was developed within the past 8-10,000 years, considering humans have been around for at least 10 times that long). So claiming the Dark Ages set science back isn't really the case when much of Greek philosophy and culture--where all the science really was--continued with the Eastern Roman empire (Byzantines) and eventually the Muslim world. The real reason hasn't been discovered yet (see Stonehenge and the Pyramids). also, I'd like to give my opinion that much of technology over the ages is spurred on by war and conflict (the Space Race being the most recent).