Ya I did not go expecting the story of the decade. I just wanted it to look pretty and sound good. Which it did.
I enjoyed the movie. Went to the midnight showing on Thursday. Only negative I had was the douche bag behind me started to fall asleep 2/3 of the way through and wanted to try to use my head as a foot rest. Needless to say I got very pissed off and yelled at the ass to "move your fucking feet." He did but 15 min later the dumbass did it again. Lets just say I was very close to going to jail, it took a lot of self control on my part not to jump over the seat and beat his ass. I could forgive the first time, but doing it again was unacceptable. Other than that, I recommend this movie.
haha im sorry but i would have just grabbed the staff and after the first one his whole group has to leave cause of his ass.
Just got back from seeing this movie. Holy fscking shit!! It was astounding!! I'm a big fan of the first, and the sequel blew me away. I still like the plot of the first, there was something special about it. To the person who said most people will walk into Tron: Legacy having seen the first one, I say LOL. You overestimate the intelligence of the general, facebook-addicted, bieber-tranced public and give them too much credit.
I watched Yesterday, and i love it, it was a solid 8.5! BTW i watch it on 3D, and it looked like it was an afterthought so its not a pure 3D movie, i dont encourage for any one to go and watch it on 3D! the story was good, the retro stuff was awesome! Clue was good, even if you knew it was fake, it makes sense because he is a copy so it didnt matter, BTW it was done realy well done. the SW reference where funny, the Dude! Bros, and stuff like that where awesome! Now, i realy want a secuel! and i Hope TRON! makes his COME BACK!
TRON overcame his programming, CLU appropriated TRON but TRON was not a program created by CLU to be part of the "perfect system", TRON had his own programming to fight for the "users" as such when it came down to killing a user TRON's programming was conflicted between what CLU's modifications were telling him to do and the original programming at TRON's core. In the end TRON's core program won out
I went and saw this last night and thoroughly enjoyed the entire movie. They were smart with the 3d and only used it in the grid which added something more to it. It was appropriate that CLU was cg since he was a copy of Flynn. It was an exciting movie and didn't find there was really any slow parts. The graphics were great and it was really cool to see the world of the grid. Two thumbs up from me and I will most definitely be buying this when it comes out. I will probably go buy the old one sometime soon.
Just saw it in 3d IMAX. Great movie and looked awesome but 3D was not needed. I would probably have enjoyed it even more if it wasn't in 3D. So don't waste the money on 3D just see it in normal mode. I guess I still have an issue with 3D movies though. The characters are fuzzy if you aren't focusing on what they want you to focus on and if your head is tilted in any way the whole thing is fuzzy. Not to mention the 3D effect is not even ment for 90% of the movies that use it.
IMax 3D might not be the best format to see the movie in anymore, RealD is probably better right now. The problem with seeing something so far after release in IMax 3D is that IMax is still film, which means it gets scratched over time and with use. I can notice some scratches even on day 2 of a movies release. So weeks after the movie is out there are bound to be a ton of scratches and marks on the film that you will notice while watching the movie. RealD is digital, with a Sony 4K image resolution (4096×2160). So it doesn't get scratched and has a very high resolution so it is still very watchable as a good movie format Now granted, IMax is about 10000×7000 resolution, but Im just saying that with all the scratches it will have that a 4K digital image might be more enjoyable.
went and watched it, loved the original but seriously found this really boring. I would give it a 5 outta 10.
The Special Effects were pretty, I enjoyed watching Jeff Bridges, but besides that, the movie wasn't that good.
The movie for me, passed simply on the mind blowing music and visual effects. I never watched the original Tron, but being a video game enthusiast, I would still go just to here Daft Punk rock the big screen. I am listening to the soundtrack right now it is so damn good.
I rather enjoyed that they stayed close to the original movie even though the story line was "conform expectations"!!!