Treating a Burn (First Degree)

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Kav, Sep 1, 2008.

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  1. FriendlyFire
    Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Jul 17, 2008
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    Does it smell like almonds? IF not keep applying the salt and lemon juice.

    BTW normally wounds dont ooze blood. Are you taking any of the advice the people are telling you? If the answer to my last question is no, I heard this company might be good for you.
  2. Meemo

    Kav, when are you going to see the doctor ?

    Almonds ?
    WTF ?

    If you hadn't of lost all your credibility here when you claimed to know better than the trained doctors, I would ask you to explain this.

    At least you are right here. If Kav doesn't see a doctor soon he may be losing the leg, maybe worse if infection spreads. Especially when he is talking about restricting blood flow, and thus the oxygen to the rest of his leg.
  3. Rubius
    Veteran Xenforcer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Software Engineer
    YYZ, Ontario
    Get your dog to lick the wound.
  4. SamHamwich

    Jun 24, 2008
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    Halifax, NS
    if it smells like pistachios instead make sure you place several salt and vinegar chips on it before you apply the bandage.
  5. Jeb

    Jun 21, 2008
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    Ok this is being closed...

    I am sure everyone has good intentions, but serious burns need to be looked at by a doctor that has been trained to deal with this type of thing. While I know some of you feel you know more then doctors, some of the suggestions here may cause it to become worse...

    What should have been posted right from the start is to go see a doctor asap... So if you havn't already, go see a doctor. It's your best chance of having it heal properly with the least amount of scarring. Sure Doctors can be hacks... but they are at least basing their ideas and suggestions on training and science...


    First-degree burns, the mildest of the three, are limited to the top layer of skin:
    Signs and symptoms: These burns produce redness, pain, and minor swelling. The skin is dry without blisters.

    Second-degree burns are more serious and involve the skin layers beneath the top layer:
    Signs and symptoms: These burns produce blisters, severe pain, and redness. The blisters sometimes break open and the area is wet looking with a bright pink to cherry red color.

    Third-degree burns are the most serious type of burn and involve all the layers of the skin and underlying tissue:
    Signs and symptoms: The surface appears dry and can look waxy white, leathery, brown, or charred. There may be little or no pain or the area may feel numb at first because of nerve damage.

    It sounds like you have a 2nd or 3rd degree burn which should have been looked at by a doctor asap... I hate going to doctors as well, but this isn't a minor sunburn or something, this is very serious and could effect you long term. (yes if it's a small 2nd degree you can home treat it, but there are a lot of ideas on what is good for burns and what isn't so you really need to see a pro that will tell you the pros and cons of different treatments)

    Hopefully you have not put any of the previous recommendations on the burn as some of those suggestions will cause worse scarring and may cause it to take longer to heal.

    Get to a doctor...
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2008
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