Thinking of Building Soon [Updated with pics]

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by bishop, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Good to see Gigabyte is getting its act together then :)
  2. should be built this weekend, around saturday likely. Should be an awesome build. The motherboard in basically an extended ATX case is definitely going to look goofy, plus im sure my PSU cables wont reach, so i bought some sleeved extensions so i can do some real cable management instead of cutting corners on it. will look awesome, even though i wont have a window...yet ;) looks like im going to have to order a PSU here tonight since the one i was going to put in my old one isnt enough watts to push it.
  3. It will have enough wattage until you upgrade your GPU.
    GPU draws maybe 200w tops? CPU will draw 77w until overclocked, then make sure you have 200w to give it so you never have power issues causing bluescreens. Fans and stuff will take 40w maybe? Hard drives another 40w? Motherboard will take 35w~. And RAM will take 10w. Even with your PSU age you should still be ok unless doing a big CPU overclock right away.
    With a new GPU it will probably draw between 150-200w, overclocked GPU maybe 250w. Overclocked CPU maybe 160w (but estimate extra). So I would be looking in the 850w range of power supplies for your new one. That would give you a cushion of 250w for the power supply to drop down in power output as it ages. You should estimate 20% power loss in the first 2 years of PSU life, and another few percent each year. after that. Thus an 850w supply would give you ample power for 7-8 years before you might run into issues from not enough juice to your components.

    If you buy a new PSU, I suggest getting a gold or platinum rated power supply. Kingwin/Superflower makes great stuff lately, Seasonic is usually a good choice, and Silverstone is a good choice. Before you buy the PSU, post the 3 top models you are looking at here and Doxy, Sogetsu, or myself can tell you which is the best to go with.
    Seasonic makes most power supplies you find on the market under other brand names and is one of the top R&D people for power supply tech.

    Corsair uses mostly rebranded Seasonic PSU's, though some are made by Channel Well.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
  4. well shit already pulled the trigger on a PSU, but i think youll be pleased. I know the 600 would be fine, the problem is i wanted to use my old PC and a 9800GTX or a GTX465 as a server/spare gamer. I was going to use the 600 watt in the new one (5 years old probably, OCZ powerstream 600watt), and then use my other BFG PSU for the spare PC, however its only a 450 and ive had trouble in the past running it with a 500. so i got this... (yea its overkill but the sale price makes the difference worth it, 7yr warrenty, 1000 watt)

    Seasonic PLATINUM-1000 ATX 1000 Power Supply

    with this i figure ill be good for many many years to come.

    Also someone asked about total price so far so....
    Intel 3770K $319.99
    Asus Maximum Gene V $199.99
    PSU 186.99
    Asus SATA DVD Burner 19.99
    Lian Li V2120B Case 279.99
    Mushkin 16gb (8x2) 1866mhz redline ram 129.99 (paid extra so i could actually get it, no where seems to have it for the 109.99 price, got their last set of frostbyte)

    So i am at 1136.94. Youll notice two key pieces are missing...

    I have an SSD in my old comp that will carry over, 240gb Vertex 3, and I plan to use my GTX465 until I have the funds built back up for afford a GTX670 and that gives me time for prices to drop. Prolly going to be 3 weeks out. Also I am getting a CPU cooler (CM hyper n520) on the cheap until i feel like upgrading to the water cooling.

    Also i was concerned my cables werent going to reach and leave me cutting corners on the cabling, so i bought the below extension kit from NZXT, with this im confident it will look good and everything should reach, although with the new PSU its probably unnecessary.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
  5. You could get a Corsair H100 and stay with that and not do water. It is a great cooler and is a self contained water cooling unit already

    Or get a Cooler Master Hyper 212+ (or EVO) for the best cheap cooler until you go full water

    Also, very nice PSU. Im jealous.
  6. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    yeah Ive been preaching this for weeks to him. He wants to play. Let him play.
  7. whats everyones thoughts on graphics cards? i was thinking the gigabyte overclocked GTX670, is 4gb of ram worth it?
  8. 2GB will be fine, by the time you need 4GB of video memory the card wont be powerful enough to play the games anyway. GPU's with 6GB are just like wtf were they thinking...
    A GTX670 is the way to go though.
  9. what about an AMD 7970? i was looking at the anandtech bench and it seems the AMD 7970 really out performs the 670 and the 680? Also surround vs eyefinity? I have the yamakasi catleap and i have an old dell 24in that runs 1920x1200, could i get another 24in 1920x1200 and run triple with either eyefinity or surround?
  10. Doesnt the Catleap use 2160 x 1440? So it would look funny if run in 1080p with another two monitors.

    The 7970 is a great card, but you wont be able to hit 120Hz on your Catleap with it. Only the 680 can do it, and probably the 670 as well since they are the same card. Nvidia has better driver support overall compared to AMD but either would be a great card to get. The 7970 is about the same as a 680 in most things, and it will win in a few areas while losing in a few as well. Id say on average they are about equal, the 680 more often tends to have higher minimum FPS though. But I do not think you would be disappointed if you got the 7970.

    EDIT: oh ya, you dont have a 2B Catleap anyway so the 120Hz doesnt matter.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  11. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    I agree with Enigma on the recommendations. 2gb is great- 4gb is really overkill.... for now. Its actually spectacular for things other than games, though. Design software design to support that kind of hardware is capable of some pretty spectacular real time results.

    Finally, Surround vs Eyefinity. Surround is active-glasses 3d capable for up to three 1080p monitors (you would certainly want them to match for a better look and illusion.) It also can do up to 3 mismatched monitors (or matching, of course) with each's resolution up to 2560x1600. So, that's nice.
    Then, enter Eyefinity. It can do SIX monitors! (by the use of two displayport hubs)

    For either of these setups, it is my understanding if you enable the SingleLargeSurface (or NVIDIA equivalent) or SLS mode, the system will default to the highest resolution of the lowest resolution monitor. So, either setup would work. Its just going to not take full advantage of Bishops fancy 27"er. Also, if you were to actually use mismatched monitors in SLS mode, it is my unconfirmed understanding that Bezel compensation does NOT work, or is not reliable. All monitors must be same size (and ideally same make) for this to work properly.

    ... could you imagine six of your hotrod monitors blasting away at full rez in a SLS eyfinity 3D setup, Bishop!?!!!! o_O
  12. IF you run Eyefinity, many people have had better experiences removing the bezel's from their monitors completely
    Or just do it right and buy a bunch of 1080p projectors and align them pixel perfect with each other :D
  13. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    epic win.

  14. Pics :D




  15. lol. You could fit 2 of those motherboards vertically with that big of a tower.
    Or... you could mount your pump and reservoir inside the tower with that much space to spare.