You are difficult then. If I only stick to October and November... Dark Souls, Might and Magic Heroes 6, Batman Arkham City, War in the North, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, SR3, AC: Revelations. And that's skipping what is mostly multiplayer like BF3, Minecraft and smaller titles I do not have time for, like Anno 2070, Cities XL 2012, Tropico 4, etc.
L2 been around for almsot 7yrs your APB was a month the company went under and some F2P company bought the right...... so ya not sure where I see this is going
which some of those game are crap in my op lol Also Minecraft kinda been out for some time lol just now they are calling it "official release" lol. It still feels like the buggy minecraft I played a few weeks ago lol and yes I am what you want from a gay male in his early 20's
it was pretty clear, I used english and everything. You don't have to add anything complicated or argumentative to the statement... or respond with such ironic divisiveness (after making a post eariler asking why someone would be so divisive in your thread). Just take it at face value for the well meaning and inquisitive post it was. You could even start over and just respond to the first paragraph. If something about the 3rd paragraph managed to ruffle your feathers, then ignore it.
Nah I think the level of "Fuck this" and troll posts on this forum in general are out of control. They come out most readily in F2P threads like this, APB, and WoT. A post that doesn't add anything to thread or conversation at hand shouldn't be made. Posting "This game sux LOLOL" isn't adding anything to the thread. If you don't like the game, don't post in it's thread about how you don't like it, same for game subforums.
They should call it "F2PvP". I had a long post written out, but screw it, it is pointless to try to talk "pvp'ers" into pvp'ing. Stick with battlegrounds and controlled pvp.