I stabbed my boss and tooks over. Now i rule Boeing and were gonna start crashing our planes everywhere muahahahah
Did you decapitate him also? And can you please give me a plane before you crash them all? I've always wanted a plane...
A few days ago while I was bored at work I prank called once of my boss's kissass employees and told him that I was a police officer calling to inform him that his favorite cousin had a car crash while in the car with his best friend and was a critical condition. Sad thing is that he believed me and almost cried. I also prank called my boss himself and told him I was a big company owner wanting to buy thousands of his products. I never heard him breathe so hard and talk so nervously.
i used to work in a gas station, When some one would bring there stuff up, id tell them they dropped something and when they turned around i would take items off the counter, then they would go back and get it again.
Thats a good trick. Would be fun to do with old people, make them look away for a sec and take some of their stuff.