Not as depressing as watching some manager fail at Mc Donald's in calculating the difference in 8 cents...
Pretty much, yep. Although people who realize, or know, what it spells backwards, tend to call me Balloon. Which I don't mind.
MadeofSkittles - came up with it on a whim, thought of my offtank in WoW called Madeofbuttercaps Rag - First really game i got into in terms of multiplayer was Mechassault and my favorite mech was the Ragnarok, choose my xbox username to be GreatRagnarok and everyone called me Rag, name stuck
It isn't so much that as it is having "back up names." I am also extremely picky about my names and I have never found the one name that works for everything. Shanther is the closest I have.
This may just be my immature mindset, but Shanther seems to me to be a combination of "shat" and "Panther".
Lovestospooge was taken, so I chose this. Seriously tho, it was a name I thought of for my RF Online char and kept it, but lot's of people use it now unfortunately.
From war of the spider queen books. Ryld Argith is the characters name but I wanted to use it in GW and it was already taken. So, I defaulted to the most powerful house in Menzoberranzan. for the most part I go by SGTTEMPEST in FPS games. I created it back when XBL first came out. I was 16 and has just joined up with the military reserves and was doing basic training and high school through them. Sergeants are bad ass and are always the guys that love being in the field and don't want to get promoted because they get to still kick ass. Tempest is a violent storm, thought it was a fitting name to bring a storm of death upon my enemies with. the mind of a 16 y/o eh I've never run across another or had troubles getting the tag in games.
Borrowed mine from a mentor and good online friend from FF11 which was the first MMO I committed too. Growing up playing Doom, Quake, CS, and all those other nostalgic great games I had the name "Silent" from the Black Company book series. Changed names to current because of the over usage of it. Apparently Sogetsu is similar in spelling to some anime character and people ask me why I misspelled it, however I haven't bother to find out which anime it was from, and even if it is misspelled I copied it letter for letter from my friend, whom I have lost contact with over the years.