Starcraft II: Interest

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kira, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. I'm interested, I have a lot of irl friends who would play scII
  2. FliggenMan

    FliggenMan Veteran

    I will def play this game. A lot. The sucky thing is that it will probably release right around the middle of my first year of grad school :eek:. The beta should come out before that though, so ill have time to play freely before i have to start actually apportioning time in the day for it.

    Also, a word of appeasement to those who don't think they're that "good" at competitive SC (or any RTS for that matter): Learning strategy is easier than it seems. All it takes is a decent memory or a pen and paper to remember build orders and such. Micromanagement and APM (actions per minute) can be learned with time. The difficult part - the part most SC players have real trouble with - is learning to improvise and make their own decisions. If you can learn to appreciate imperfect situations and try to understand your losses then you'll be a good SC player in no time imo. Not that i'm even that good...:D.
  3. StashVG

    StashVG Veteran

    Considering the first game came out when I was in college...

    Yeah, Of Course I'll be playing this!!
  4. I'll be playing competitively.
  5. Phaymis

    Phaymis Veteran

    I will will play. New to XoO but love it so far. So far only warhammer, but I hope to join in on some other games as well, and SC2 would be a perfect example.
  6. Yup, ill be in Starcraft 2. Im more of a defencive player so i will need a good team ;-)
  7. Senuui

    Senuui Guest

    will be joining aswell. kind of missed allot of info but do they have a release date yet ? or any speculations ?
  8. Kira

    Kira Veteran

    Right now second quarter 2010.
  9. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    "On July 27th 2010, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty lands at retail locations throughout the world. Beta keys will be distributed upon purchase, by participating retailers, only until May 17th 2010. This offer is only valid for pre-orders placed with participating retailers. Use of the Beta key is subject to availability of the Beta, and to the acceptance of terms and conditions. List of retailers and participation may vary.* "

    Looks like a date has finally been released, and there is a 3 day window to pre-order and get a beta key.

    Didnt play the original one, so not sure if there is a comparable game.
  10. On another note, I miss Kira.
  11. StashVG

    StashVG Veteran did I sir. mmmm, competitive SC. won't that be fun again?!