When did he do so well against Jedi ? All I know of him vs Jedi is in ROTJ where he attacks Luke (a barely trained Jedi) at close range using blasters. Then he gets defeated when a blind Han Solo bumps one of the buttons on his jetpack.
we will play on whatever side has the least numbers!!! jumping is win. much more fun combat than just standing still attacking each other. I reigistered, but cant login, keeps saying my email and pass are incorrect even though I am sure I am typing it right. Site bug?
There is a guild thread on their forums which we should probably sign up on. Although we have still yet to decide on which side to pick we can just put up TBA. Its worth putting our name up there for the mean time and show XoO's interest in the game.
The best part is that Mandalorians are designed to fight against Jedi in the Old Republic because of one thing. Their armor is completely force resistant, it's made out of a special material. So the only thing that they have to do is put 2 blaster shots between your eyes.
Since when was their armor force resistant ? And even if it is, that won't stop the blaster bolts being deflected after they have left the gun. Assuming the gun, which is outside the armor, remains in the Mandalorians hand. Order 66 only worked because of three factors: 1 - Palpatine's shroud of the dark side screwing with the Jedi's long term pre-cog. 2 - Because the clones were just following orders, it didn't trigger the hostility sense because there wasn't any hostility. 3 - There were too many clones shooting at the Jedi for the Jedi to block all the blaster bolts. With the Mandalorian invasion before KOTOR 1, the Mandalorians started losing once Revan and other Jedi got involved. Then most of their military assets were destroyed and their clans scattered, which says that they didn't have anywhere to retreat to. Meaning they have lost any facilities they had for producing their equipment. And the Mandalorians only lasted so long in the first place because they were too small a threat for the Old Republic to worry about. After all we are talking about a galactic government verses to a pillaging hoard that brought a large portion of their fleet to a single planet (Malachor V). So where in the EU do we have Mandalorians doing well against similar numbers of Jedi ?
During the great/first Sith war they were a crucial part of the sith forces. Though yes Jedi have certainly had more 'wins' against them its also worth noting that the jedi have had most of their numbers killed by them. If you include the numbers lost later on by the clone troopers ( who are all mandalorian decendants due to Jango ) then that number increases even more. Unfortunately for mandalorians their stregnth lies mostly in their leadership, you notice that they start to lose their wars once the leader is defeated. While with Jedi ( and the sith ) if the head is cut off a new one just takes its place very quickly. However a well trained madalorian is still more than a worthy match for a Jedi and a Sith. Even Boba had tons of force user kills later on ( for those who arent aware he never died when he got swallowed by the sarlacc ) and he was instrumental for helping train Jaina to defeat her brother. Im guessing that in TOR IF the player can be a mandalorian that there will be a good story behind it as well as the player being able to achive a level that is a threat to any force user.
Hostely it all depends on if they have to stay in cannon, or can use the extended cannon, which would include all comics, novels, etc. In cannon Mandalorians kinda suck, in EC Mandalorians were pretty cool, but in the KOTOR games, Mandalorians didn't fare better against Jedi than anyone else, they just were a tougher soldier. I just want to control an army of snarky ex-assasination droids that laugh at my silly attempts to get informaiton out of them.