Okay I had a run through the game and I'll give you my quick pros and cons. Pros: -It's a sandbox game. -If you love creating stuff and spend hours perfecting your creatures, buildings, and vehicles then you will enjoy it. -Creatures, buildings, and vehicles are extremely customizable if you have some imagination. -The stages, while being somewhat basic, are quite fun and diverse. Cons: -There are really only a few ways to win and if you play through multiple times you might get bored of "killing all of the blue enemies, kill all the pink enemies etc..". -The mini-map won't stay oriented properly!(or I'm too stupid to figure it out) -The game is way too easy, even on hard. -The game needs A TON more customization which will probably end up coming from expansion packs(see: The Sims). In some stages there is really only one or two items to choose (i.e. 2 for combat, 2 for social etc, not enough detail items, not enough styles of items with the same stats.) tl;dr version: 4/5 If you like creating stuff, buy it.
That's the whole point of the game, people rushed through it to complete it, when the game is about 90% creating things. I just finished making my new vehicle for my civilization of tea rexamasaurses.
Anybody who has it, have any issues with the SecureROM which installs as well. You only get 3 installs or hardware changes before it stops working...
Their is already talk about making a patch to allow co-op or versus mode for spore players. Almost their own seperate server to connect through. The I-phone version of spore called "Spore Origins" allows co-op and versus mode. And they wanted to release it for the i-phone before releasing it to the public for PC. That is about all I know for now, but they are releasing a co-op and versus mode. And it will not be an expansion, it will simply be a 500mb download of sorts. It gives players the OPTION to play against people, or by them selves.
For those of you who hate having to babysit your planets with the attacks that literally will come every 15 seconds, download and install this: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=31O8WJGR If you don't want to install that but still hate babysitting planets then just don't respond to attack warnings, you shouldn't lose buildings. DO check up on biodisasters though.
>_> there's a readme in the rar. It lengthens the time between pirate raids, enemy attacks, grox attacks, ecodisasters etc. This is the lite version(shortest times between 45min-1.5 hours. The heavy version makes it like 6-8hours between attacks. You have to start a new game for it to work. Just save the old file as shown in the readme and copy the unrared file over to the spore folder.
Well thats kinda cool, yeah right now I believe in my one game I have like 10 imminent attacks going on by the grox all at the same time.