Should I attempt a repair?

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by SamHamwich, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Now I got "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta" stuck in my head. Thanks Sog :D
  2. You're damn welcome, I actually played that song while doing it.

    Let's say beating a hard drive with a bat ... the hard drive won. Sturdy little fuckers.
  3. They are arent they? :( Physically anyway, hit it once and the data is effed though
  4. Blackice

    Blackice Veteran


    Btw not worth it
  5. You are not going to convince me that lighting things on fire is NOT fun, you can try, but it aint gonna happen!
  6. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    Burn it down! It deserves a proper send off. And I just asked a double doctorate of Chemical Sciences and Medical Sciences at a plastics manufacturing plant about the side effects of plastic fumes.

    Thats right, I gots the connections. Or, I've got a phone number that gets me to my mother that works logistics at a plastics manufacturing and distribution company-that transfers me to the physical plant- that transfers me to the R&D department- that gets an exMIT geek that yells "Rob!!!" at the top of his lungs when I ask for the smartest guy in the room. "Dr. Rob" is responsible for making sure the formulas that the plant mixes dont kill you in the event your house is burning down around you or you decide to turn your plastic whatever into a bong. Yep, they pay assloads of money to doctors to sit around and analyze formula for risk.

    In any case, he said its cool. Nothing to worry about. Long term exposure can cause pulmonary edema and cheaper Chinese plastics are a little more dangerous- like whats in a motherboard. but outside, in the open air- not a care in the world. Indulge your pyro tendencies.
  7. Saaaweeeettt!
  8. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    just dont go huffing it....