pshhhh. I played the first and hated lockon. Falling from the sky and squashing people sure was fun though.
Wow looks awesome! So is this like a Lobby game like COD and Halo or an Open World FPS like Red Dead Redemption? Either way, I'll still be playing it! Are we going to group up and play together?
It's a lobby-based game and currently we're trying to get enough people interested to maybe get some sort of division going. It would be sweet if you could join us!
I bought a copy yesterday. I thought it was out already and was confused why it didnt show up in my steam library afterward. Ah well, soon enough... I really liked the first one, although I got bored of that after 2 or 3 weeks. There just wasnt any challenge playing multiplayer on XBox 360. Me and my friends dominated every match we ever played and it just got really boring after a while. I wonder if my paratrooper build still works... Basically you load up as much anti-air armor as you can (only 2 pieces I think there was) and you cna drop into any area on the map that is covered by AA. A single AA can only do 15% damage to you, which you then quickly regenerate while capping the base. And a double AA could only do 25% damage to you. People were really noobish and once they had an AA gun up everyone just left the base to go somewhere else. So me and my friends could each pick an enemy base, drop in, capture it and we would have 3 more bases before anyone knew what was going on.
That could be interesting, I have been part of many competitive ladders for previous FPS but ever since the old days of Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, Tactical Ops, and of course the most underrated FPS ever... Tribes 1 and 2, I haven't found a single FPS that made me wanna get serious about it. This one might be it, we'll see
It's great to hear more of you will be getting the game. As for the 360 version, you will not be able to play with PC players. The 360 players would stop playing if they introduced that
Ah that sucks...maybe I won't play then, it's better to play with XoO...if I can't play with you guys there isn't really much point
For some reason thought it was 360 only since I saw it on my XBL dash. Pretty cool its on another platform.
Art style-wise, maybe it does... but gameplay wise? Not quite. This game feels very original. The classes are all unique, and having to not only watch your surroundings, but also the sky (for drop "pods") adds a whole new element to the FPS genre.