I hope you bought the motherboard already, as it is sold out now If you didnt get it yet then you can either wait a week or so for it to come back in stock (processor will probably be back down in price again by that time too) or buy this ones for a bit more money: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128514 The more expensive board offers more features, but you might not really use those additional features so it wouldnt matter. May just be better to wait for the good, cheaper boards to come back in stock.
Yeah, I didn't buy anything yet because of some fin. issues. I'll try and buy as many of the parts as I can today.
Alright. With Enigma's help I was able to buy everything today for some good prices. Not the best, but it was still well under my budget. Alright, I just got everything. Here's the final list all for under $750 ^_^ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150563 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817256071 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128514 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118067 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231460 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148767 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119243 Total cost with shipping and rush order was $737.92. Plus it was my first order so I got the $10 off. There's also about $50 in mail-in rebates. So....not bad! I'm actually planning on doing a little case mod with this. If anyone's ever seen the anime Outlaw Star I'll be designing the case to look like the title ship. I'm also adding an "ignition style" key power switch to the front with a custom key from the show. Totally nerding this thing out
Let me know how this works out for you. I am in the market myself. Been using a 2004 Dell Dimension 4600 for like 6 or 7 years now. I think it's about time I got something new...
You know. I really held off for so long on this because I didn't believe in PC gaming. I felt like it was really a money pit for rich kids. With the constant upgrades and fluctuations in parts and prices there was no way to ever "catch up". However, it seems like the market realized this and held back on releasing games that 90% of PC owners could not play. Games are now coming out with lower minimum settings, and playing at max is more just icing on the cake, not a necessity anymore. SWTOR and GW2 both promised to keep their requirements at a reasonable level, so I felt like now's the time to buy.
Congrats on the new rig man. Feels so good when you upgrade computer stuff. Least in my world it does.
This was mainly due to how young advanced computing technologies were just 10 years ago even. It was only in the year 2000 that 1GHz was broken and things had started picking up. When everything is down at those slow speeds, you dont hvae much performance. And the goal was always to push for more, so each new model was a large leap forward. Technologies were advancing and keep requiring more and more speed to keep up, without having the technology to truly jump way ahead in those speeds. But since 2000, the technology has come and progressed at an ever increasing rate. And as we have moved through the years, the increase from each generation has become large and larger. Thus when we used to need just 50MHz more to do something, now 50MHz is absolutely nothing more and a simple solution. Going a few hundred MHz more is even incredibly easy to do. So constant upgrades and fluctuations is one way to look at it, but really it is just that the technology we all thought should be easy and readily available just wasnt possible. So these companies were working their asses off to keep the user demand satisfied. That demand has decreased now due to the global economy and thus the drive to push the technological limits of our games has decreased proportionally. So now days the power we have under the hood greatly outweighs our ability to use it. This is actually an even greater problem and is leading to the eventual downfall of not only computer gaming but the computer industry in general. The laziness that has come in from this situation and is now so large it is the driving force of the industry is causing so many problems the industry will eventually implode and a radical shift will take place. If the consumer demand for higher graphics games, better AI, and intriguing stories had kept the same pace, we would all be running in 4k resolution monitors with fully interact-able worlds in games full of fresh ideas and content. Instead we are playing rehash #8 of our yearly release schedule with all the same stuff we had the year before in a slightly rearranged configuration.
Sorry to say, but the decline of the computer industry has helped me save a ton of dough! I totally agree with the feeling that we are rehashing a lot of titles for the past decade or so. The tech has reached a bit of plataeu. But honestly, I'm okay with technology slowing down a little bit. Most of the games that are considered "the greatest" for their era were produced toward the end of a technology's life cycle. Why? Because I think that working within restrictive limits fosters creativity. For exmaple, look at Chrono Trigger. The graphics and sounds for that game pushed the SNES to it's absolute limits, so much so that it makes almost every other SNES game look like crap in comparison. But it all depends on what you want in a game. If you want to be blown away by graphics and realism then you're going to crave newer and newer tech. I prefer games with solid mechanics and a rich story. Like, I can still pull out my old 1st generation Gameboy and play through Megaman V or Pokemon in a day and have a great time. If you think about it, why would I ever pull out one of my old computers to play a classic game? So, do you really think that consumer demand is the only thing holding back the industry from producing the ps9? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdh4TqWFfX4
I am ready to go Office Space on this rig. I have had nothing but problems for a week now. First it was the display (which was totally my fault) but now I'm trying to install Windows7 and...it's not working. Obviously, that can mean a lot of things, but let's just get one thing straight. This shit is not easy. I like a challenge and I understand that getting a PC to work isn't the same as turning on a blender, but for god sakes. Who the hell designs a product that requires a degree's worth of knowledge just to work! I almost feel like it'd be easier to build a sports car than this pos. If I knew I was going to be stuck in this shit for two weeks I would have bought a prebuilt rig from a store even if it means I did get ripped off. At least it would work out of the box. Oh....um....nevermind! I fixed it! YAY!:happy: