So I am hearing XBone users are being banned from skype and upload stuido left and right for *childish voice* saying a bad word.
Stop copying me you canadian and putting X everywhere. I got mine too and had to change my handle as my PSN was euro so now it's Haibane-X.
So if yall are going to half ass post things and not research then here...... MS was banning users for over doing it basically yes its stupid but they also did agree to the terms of use of the Upload Studio thing
I wasn't trolling I am not you. Over use or little use, they are monitoring people's skype calls and doing so even after saying they wouldn't. I am sure their damage control team is springing up all kinds of excuses and pointing at user agreements and such. But this is tons of people, it is going all over the internet of people getting banned left and right. I am not a PS4 or XBone fanboi, so I don't have a bias opinion towards one console/company such as you do. Regardless of whether or not something was done excessively, banning people for free speech is plain out wrong. People who support this type of thing, no matter how small it is, are in the wrong. This is just a small stepping stone to the crap that is to come. Also people are getting banned for using alternative words such as "crap". From that article you posted: “I think it's strange that MS allows you to record any game footage when there are games with really bad foul language and I say something like plonker or crap and I get my benefits removed especially I had 100% feedback when I was on 360 for about five to seven years on Xbox Live,”
Huh???? its not the skype calls that are getting ppl banned its the Uploaded videos people are are getting banned for.................. You agreeded to something before you are allowed to upload your game play to the Uploadstudio..... thats what MS is monitoring. Maybe read the link I posted next time before posting what you just posted with FALSE infomation. If MS is monitoring that big whoop our phone calls get monitor not all the time but they do.... but all the complainants of being banned are from when people uploaded their gameplay with over the top profanity Also you do have a bias opinion...... do I need to quote your post fromt he other thread saying PS4 all the way and if you get a xbox one you need to gtfo out of XoO? I already know you favor Ps4 and will bash X1 no matter what. Sorry but Ps4 or Sony are not perfect and Ps4 is having it share of issues but I dont see you commenting on this since you know your not bias....
I do think Microsoft could relax their rules of conduct to something like twitch has where they ban for hate speech specifically and not just reactionary cursing, but we also don't know the full story for the situations people are being banned here. You know how it is, someone gets banned for doing something bad and then they talk to the writer of an internet article and say something like "All I said was: crap!" I don't quite believe people are being banned for saying "crap" in a video upload. But hey, read your rules of conduct and you won't have issues, right?