I wasn't in XoO back then. I recently joined because of the EU section of Aion and friends. Also, I was TR. Hence the anti Vanu statement.
What Planetside Next Means To Me We all have our vices. For some gamers RPG's really do it for them. One of the things I've always loved about SOE is that we built our company on the core idea of making games across many genres, and that includes the world's first MMOFPS, Planetside. I love Planetside. I really do. It's an amazing game. you won't find any other FPS where you can have a 100 vs. 100 battle raging. And we pulled this off 5-6 years ago. There's a great description of a Planetside battle here: www.rockpapershotgun.com/2008/09/05/planetside-the-1/ I really couldn't sum it up any better than that. To me the idea of a massive firefight on that kind of scale is why I'm a gamer. Planetside had a lot of really great things about it, but it also had some frustrating things. The whole Sanctuary concept is something that slowed things down too much. We also didn't get people back into the action quickly enough. But the core of Planetside - massive battles with vehicles and infantry was something we nailed really well. To me, Planetside Next means we get a chance to take the essence of everything that was fun in Planetside and make it a lot better. Massive battles on a scale no other FPS will touch. None of this 64 player stuff. REALLY MASSIVE. With much better organization, and a tight focus on making sure the action is always going on, with awesome graphics. Damn I love Planetside. I really do. Smed http://john-smedley.livejournal.com/833.html
I hope this pans out. No other games has made me feel more accomplished than Planetside. The team work that is required is sorely lacking in a meaningful way in every other mmorpg. Skills>Stats
This makes me really happy. I played in 2004-2005, even though I rode solo most of the time I found a group of people to play with and the game became instant addiction. I would probably drop any game I am playing to play this.
This group was simply the best gaming group i've ever had the pleasure of playing with, logging on and instantly being invited to have an orgazined group was simply awesome. When playing these types of games I LOVE being support classes, and even though I didnt do any damage in battle, I still played a huge roll and felt needed. I used to love this game! What happened! Personally I didnt mind the core, seemed silly to be zip lining around though... but the robots made the game retarded IMO..... anyway guys, keep me updated on this sequal!
Just dont take a ride in a galaxy when old Pdog is at the stick .... if so make sure you have a wet suit because u will end up in the ocean for sure !!!!! http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/vi...sion/AF5E84D58AC234A95CDEAF5E84D58AC234A95CDE
Hey now...It's not my fault the damn thing ran out of gas. I wasn't in charge of fuelling it. I was a damn good galaxy pilot! Just because I got it stuck upside down that one time and killed us all doesn't mean otherwise.
A lifetime of accomplishments will always be torn to ribbons by your only mistake. But yes I know the problems with Gal's, having been a pilot of them myself. Especially if you have idiots who jump out too quickly.
I really wish that I'd had a decent rig back when PS first came out. I was still fairly young then though and only actually had a chance to play it once, for about 10 minutes at a lan center. I'm INCREDIBLY stoked for PS2 though.
All XoObies are required BY LAW to play PS 2 when it is released or we will come to your house and eat your kittens!!!