Because science has granted us such wonderful things in the past, it's every doper's dream for them to create new 'roids that can't be detected by current testing regiments. It's an arms race, just like internet security vs. pirates, yarr. Anyway I thought it was amusing that they "faked" some of the fireworks; I heard about it on NPR and they were playing comments from (I believe it was) Carson Daily (sp?) where he was like "it's literally the footsteps into the future!" and "it's almost like it's animation!" lol... too precious I love irony. I also love China - I visited there with my grandparents on a tour for the hump pilots; they flew supplies across the Himalayans during WWII, and the Chinese built them a very nice monument (I've got pics, but no scanner atm or I'd share), whereas there is nothing, and I mean nothing, in the states. We also got to tour one of their military bases where they had a bunch of the old planes they flew, which was really neato. They actually put together this whole epic tour for the hump pilots, and it was amazingly fantastic and I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of it. Don't hate on China, hate on the people who run it if you have to hate. Personally though, I try not to put a lot of hate into who rules what, because there's not much average joe citizen can do about it anyway... but we're not talking about human rights issues here anyway, we're talking about the Olympics. You know damn well America/Hollywood sets the standard on fake
<3 China Government does not make a country, the same as I don't associate our US members with their chimpanzee leader.
It was the most awesome opening ceremony ever. Simple. Everyone's bashing the Chinese because they kicked ass and took names. I know for a fact that the Brits are shitting bricks thinking 'how the hell are we going to beat that!?'
Oh! There was the picture that I found online, it showed the blue screen of death being projected on one of the wall/ceilings. Ironicly, they said that that projector/computer was running on windows xp, because they thought it would be more stable...