Sorry just thought that it was kinda silly you negative review a game because it doesn't have extended downloadable content. Nothing personal I just call people out when I think its silly. Promotes conversation =P
Ha its okay i was just kidding about that. I mean L4D is a great game, maybe I just played it to often?
Amen, all single player computer games are crap (I'd rather play sudoku). And any movie that I don't want to watch more than once or twice is most definately crap... By definition. (Sorry just had to comment haha)
Well you also say you only play mmos for 4-6 months. So updated content doesn't seem to be the problem with you =P
It's not my fault that I have raging ADD that has never been treated! I blame my folks. Seriously though, I agree with Blainer, any game that can't keep someones attention for more than a week doesn't deserve a stellar review. (Of course, you have to give some games credit if you play them 23 hours per day hehehe or if you have raging ADD)
Personally if I finish a game its not bad. If I play it twice its fucking good but half the single player games I play I don't get past the first two days. So yea most single player games are crap. They wonder why I "borrow them from friends".
TBH i think the only good games to remain strong over time and players would be WoW, GW, RF and Cod4. It kind of sucks that these are really the only games to compete with, I mean War is cool but from what I hear it went down real quick. though; I prolly will start playing it again to see what is new, ect. Oh and the games that are really good single player that you can continue to play i think would be, Morrowind 7 expansions, oblivion & mods, Age of Mythology (haha i love it) I really cant think of anything else that I would continue to play single player than these. =9
IMO fallout was a big fucking turd. I did play it alot when it first came out and got burned out i think. It did get ridiculously repetitive. I think I am almost at the end and have been for the last 3 months. I also haven't touched it in that long for fear of committing suicide. I got burned out on GW too when the expansion before eye of the north came out and I bought eye of the north but cant find the time to sit down and play it anymore. I haven't even had a glimpse at the content. BF2142 is the only game I really want to pick up and play again but when I thought I had the time a few weeks quickly vanished. Fucking sucks. I woud really like to get into another game like guild wars though. After being out of it so long people are pretty set in their ways so hard to break in. **I have no idea why I posted this. After I did I totally forgot what the point was. oh well.
Also everyone should understand any "Review" of Global Agenda at this point is not really fair. The game is in Alpha testing states. The testing that XoO members did was focused on PvP. My understanding is they are working on the other PvE aspects of the game. So it's not Planetside 2.0, but the Devs had said that. I'll be interested to see how this game turns out. Like most of you I am doubtful of it's total success.