New Zombie Series on AMC

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by s o k a r, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. I'll try to remember to post the password for you after the show this coming Sunday. If I forget, you can get the password the next day off the AMC forums - the folks that post there share it readily.

    I don't think this past episode was just filler - you had to expect some downtime / reflection from the group after a few of them were killed by the zombies. their movement (looking for the CDC) is a big deal IMO. also, the humanity involving Jim dying from the bite - that was pretty deep and really made you think even deeper in a "what would you do" situation. that in and of itself needed the time devoted to it.

    lastly, /lol at the whole Andrea / Amy thing. you knew they were gonna make you squirm and she was gonna take that one to the very last possible second before either she re-killed Amy or someone else would.
  2. What I found funny, was that the other cop and the black dude "went off to get a hose" and the next scene that they flipped to after that was all of them saying goodbye to Jim...
  3. I guess filler was a harsh word, in a sense. It just seemed slow, but I do agree that they needed some emotional down-time, if you want to call it that. Yet, I feel that the whole series has been emotional, you can see it in EVERY episode during the "downtimes" of most of the characters - its not that we needed an episode to see that this was a very strange, frightening, and emotional time for everyone involved.

    Second, Wife and I both agreed that the way they portrayed the "turning" of Amy was done very well. I was expecting her to open her eyes and JUMP. Instead - it was like coming out of rigor mortis - slowly but surely. I respected the director for that.

    Really wasn't expecting the gunshot to the head so quickly.

    I wonder if the CDC bit will be "replacing" the prison part from the comic books?
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  4. I am wondering why the partner's (Shane is his name?) bite wasn't mentioned a single time in the whole episode. And the bite wasn't even there as far as I saw. In episode 4 he clearly got bit right on his arm.
  5. Slow works better for me, and I'll agree with you there. I also agree that the turning of Amy was done very well. it's the whole "how long are you gonna wait to put a bullet in her" part that made me "sigh".
  6. I was like who the fuck fixed the truck?

    This episode was bad.
  7. That would be very kind of you:)
  8. Yeah, it wasn't the best.
  9. Does it matter how and who fixed the R.V.? It was fixed, I am pretty sure we could have done without a scene dedicated to an R.V. being fixed :p
  10. Wife said, "Well, guess they found some duct tape after all." when we see them riding off after leaving Jim.

    There were a lot of "Well, they were just discussing how to fix that thing, or do one thing, or do this/that." and then they never really explain or show how they do those things, it just happens.

    /Shrug - I guess - in the large scheme of things.. does it really matter? Where do they get the gas for their 4mpg vans and trucks? Gas stations are probably dry by now from all the hoarders.. but who knows?
  11. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    this show is weaksauce, but still worth a chuckle now and then. Not one of the best comedy series I've seen.
  12. here is a sneak preview of the next episode

  13. Wait, what? Comedy series?
  14. This was hilarious.
  15. That was kind of funny.
  16. I forgot where I read it, I'm sorry. I'm too tired to look but there is an article (probably only kotaku, or digg, or something) where the current Walking Dead writing staff (all of them) got fired and they are hiring new ones for season 2, which.. might not be a bad thing.
  17. This is true but why were they fired anyone know?
  18. For the last episode?

    I kid, I don't know.
  19. just over 2 days and we'll find out, eh?
  20. I was so happy to get off work tonight cause its Friday but I totally forgot its the weekend already.

    Not sure how that happened.. but thanks for the reminder!