Well as i said delacroix, i do have the money. I was planning on spending ~1700. If i can get off with like an 1k system that will hold for a couple years and be able to run aion good. thatd be amazing.
I think I can help you out, my girlfriend just bought a computer for around 1200 with a quad core and GTX260 super clocked edition. =] I can help you. trust me. Her brother also knows how to put computers together, I don't know if you do or not. >@_@>? I'd suggest, well I mean I can help, I'll find a bunch of combos and if you want if you are going to bed or leaving I'll show em to you tomorrow. 1,700 is a pretty high amount. 0.0 I bought mine around 1200 and it's running AION great. Well I guess I can't say much I haven't done RvR, it use to run WAR perfect till all the patches then for some reason, my FPS went down down down. >,<
Hey kaybek i appreciate that, but personally dells seem to be reallllyyyyy expensive lol. And also delacroix that seems pretty tight, im gonna be around for another 1-2 hours roughly, not sure exactly. My friend said that he would help me (hes built like 4-5) when he has time...which is what scares me lol. My dad is a computer freak, but not sure if hes ever built computers or how long ago.
Alright well I'll go ahead and look up some combos, I'll aim for 1500 and I'll see what I can do. =] Want a computer that can run AION pretty well and that's about all? Quick edit- I'll post it on Aionsource as well, and see what some others can dig up, helped me out bit when I was looking for my g/f's rig.
Basically i would like a computer that can run aion, but also be able to run some games further down the road that might need more. If anything i would like to get lower then 1500, mabye like 1100-1200 now that i know that rigs wont cost me so much now that im gonna build it myself. When i first proposed the idea of getting a new system i didnt know anybody that did all the work and didnt know even where to start, now that i got the information i need i can probably get off quite a bit cheaper then i was hoping (from buying to building).
lol well someone made this. seems pretty sweet is only 1500 including tax/shipping I'd bet. Edit- Also that person forgot a DvD drive....and I just noticed the extra stick of ram in there......>.> don't get that ahahaha the corsair 512MB. other then that you should be golden. =]
Bought this last summer, has been the best processor I have ever bought. I wouldn't worry about quad cores, nothing is optimized for it now, and yeah - they might be down the road, but we still have games still trying to get optimized for 64 bit. I'd hold off on the i7's as well right now, bit too pricey, not enough performance gain (yet) No rush, if you want to grab a quad, go for it - but I stuck with my core 2 duo and its treated me extremely well. Any of Nvidia's 200 series are great, will be picking one up soon. They are dirt cheap, and some are the same price as what I paid for for my 8800gt last year as well (angry face). I also have: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145184 Been running that in my last 2 boxes, again has treated me well. That board didn't get very good reviews, I'll try to find another one. Just make sure the sockets fit and has enough ram slots. Lastly, I've never used or installed a sound card, can't help you there. Power supply looks good too, might be a little over the top, but again - just get a good brand. If you need anything else, let me know. You shouldn't have to spend 1500-1700$ on a good computer.
Thank you for the info Sogu! And del, lookin at that picture you posted, a 300$ power supply?! holy shit! lol. Looks like alot of the stuff that they put into that rig was over the top though.
I'm trying to build myself a good computer at a budget of under 1k including monitor. I'm having some difficulties but, i think i can do it!
Sogetsu you kill yourself not having any sound card.. On board sound sucks horribly bad they might not be as bad on the systems these days but still would not use them.
I myself have been thinking of those solid state hard drives to put the OS and game files there and all my porn into a few of those terabyte drives. Anyone have something similar? I'm hoping its a performance boost on the load time of games or maybe its better off spent on porn? hard to tell.
haha you realize that that's a combo right? DX T0aster- You're so right...on board cards suck. =[ Luckly my headset has the power of a Sound Blaster X-Fi, which for a headset is so nice, well at least to me. =]
Hi Justinsroy Quick question have you already built your PC yet or still tryin to decide what to buy?!? If you have built it what the spec's that you settled on?
Gonna be heading out to microcenter tommorow to check prices and probably start buying next week sometime.
Maximum PC has a nice little guide up for building a decent PC. They cheated a bit on the budget PC by using the Windows 7 RC and an AMD processor. http://www.maximumpc.com/article/features/dream_machine The budget system is $690, the next one up is $1420, and the high end machine is $3525. The nice thing is that it gives a brief overview of the choices they made so you could mix and match the ones you like and put together a really nice system.
We're starting to deploy more and more Solid State Drives here at work and they are really nice. The main advantages of SSDs are access time and durability. They're great on our work notebooks because they aren't sensitive to movement like traditional hard drives are. You'd mainly see benefits from programs that access your hard drive constantly. Games, your OS, etc. For streaming media traditional hard drives would work fine unless you have a bunch of extra money laying around for the bigger SSDs. Windows 7 recognizes SSDs and is optimized for them. Windows 7 is awesome. By far Microsoft's best OS yet.