): Bastards. I show loyalty by being in fine arts without buying a shitty mac and this is how they replace me. I DIDNT WANT VOICE COMMANDS ANYWAYS! -sob- Also, orgasmic amount of info in this video: http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment#p/u/36/qzBiyYv6Y98
Can't watch that vid yet but I think there was a ME3 conference kinda thing today after Nintendos this morning, hopefully has more info than yesterday. The voice commands are cool but doesnt warrant spending $100+ for a kinect i probably wont use
Which remind me... Anyone heard more info on the "Holodeck" that was supposed to be shown off this year at E3?
I don't know why everyone is so impatient for this to be out sooner. People pushed for an earlier release date of DA2 also and look what became of that. If ME3 has as many cut corners as DA2 did I'm done with Bioware.
I'm not saying cut corners by any means, but if human sacrifice will get me the same ME3 faster I will tear everyone's heart out atop a pyramid in a heartbeat.
I don't think he REALLY wants it to be released sooner (I mean, we all do..) but the info for ME3 just gets better and better. We're all anxious, that's all! I agree, DA2 wasn't that... great. I enjoyed my first playthrough immensely but found a lot of flaws with it, but that's already documented in another thread. Here's to hoping they don't delay it.. again.
They gave a date, it's a lot harder to delay now. Before it was just like 'eh well maaayyyyybbbeee we'll release it Q4 2011'.
They can always give another date like so many companies have done before. We can only hope they make the cut for the March release.
http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/16/rumor-mass-effect-3-getting-four-player-co-op-mode/ Rumor of 4 player co-op in ME3. Good news, its standalone from the campaign, so you'll be fine in terms of ME's classic epic storyline. Bad news, it just might ruin an incredible franchise. Best to just hope it turns out like AC:Brotherhood instead of like ...Dead Space 2.
It's not true. And even if it is, how could it possibly ruin the franchise? Read the article: the co-op would be standalone as in completely separate and isolated from the single player.
I guess one way of thinking about it though is that the more time spent on a separate co-op game, the less time is spent on the good single player part. But Im glad it isnt true
Duh, that's why I chose AC and Dead Space 2 for examples >_>" But yes, probably not true so hopefully the point is moot.
From what I understood from the E3 video they're making decisions that effect your character's development essentially come down to a roll between everyone in the group. So say you want to be a Jedi so you decide you want to spare someone. Whereas everyone else in the party wants to be Sith so they all vote to kill the person. Your character is just SoL unless you get a lucky 1/5 win, and you can't go back and reload so you are stuck with the decision others made for you. But that's a post for another forum.