Well then I believe this is another case of... consoles suck. Get it on PC, enjoy good graphics, voila. No jagged edges on the PC, which means the screenshots for marketing were taken on the PC as they lack jagged edges as well. I guess it's a good thing for people on the fence between getting it on console or PC. Now they know.
Alright so gave it a whirl on PC to test this out, maxed out graphics, restarted and this is what I got. Clearly very little tearing outside the particle effects distorting the left arm. Gameplay seemed pretty decent, felt more like Fable than Dark Souls(Was hoping for the opposite). But it should be fun for a weekend or something when I have less games to finish.
Keyword for all of these reviews is "Demo." I am not pre-purchasing this game, but I may buy it after I see the Launch reviews.
There are some decent previews out. The GT one was quite interesting, talked mostly about mid-end game at level 30+. I learned stuff, like how you can buy Mines, Houses, etc. for income and personal use. Also like the mention of faction chain quests taking up to 8+ hours to complete and rewarding unique loot and destiny cards. Let me link it up, definitely a good preview for anyone interested. Click here.
Just like How I think Skyrim has bad graphics and DarkFall and TOR, Its a opinion. I think its more so how the art style is reason you dont like it and think the graphics are bad. I dont like Skyrims art style nor do I like DarkFalls. You do know this is a demo? and also a few builds behind the released version to unch: I wanted the items from pre ordering it =3 also its made a nice Xmas gift from my mom LOL and mass effect 3 =3
Twilight what do you mean? Only having tearing there is pretty pro. I don't think a few versions later will drastically up the difficulty. Do you?
The Launch Trailer came out today. Pretty good stuff, can't wait to get my hands on this game next week.
They said the demo build is pretty old or something like that. I have to find the dev post about. Basically they said alot of the Fix's didnt make into the demo or something along those lines. Also sorry but I had graphical issues with Skrim and it wasnt even a Demo.... Yes it was for the Xbox BUT still
Isn't the TERA closed beta only for two days (Feb 10-12) anyway? Gives you a few days to play KoA:R, small break for the TERA closed beta and then you can jump right back in KoA:R until the 24-26 beta week-end. Also the only thing closed beta at this stage does is burn the game for when it goes live, but that's a personal choice/opinion.
New details regarding the length of the game, it takes more than 200 hours to experience EVERYTHING... by someone from the QA team. Here's a link to the original article. Click here. I assume some of the side quests will be the same quality as the Skyrim system, put aside the random automatic generator. The main quest by itself, without any of the side quests or faction quests, should take around 35-40 hours. As long as there is not a way to be invincible after 15-20 hours on the highest difficulty like Skyrim, I shall enjoy this game a lot.
Did you skip any of the chats with Npcs lol bc I think they counted that lol But idk why they said ToR has x amount of gameplay..... MMO shouldnt have something like that lol They made ToR sound alot like a console game with multiplayer stuff lol
Fair enough, but still even if it's half of what they say... heck 1/4 even. It's still better than most games. Yes I am looking at you shitty FPS games of 3-5 hours.