I noticed that there was no use of a period behind pacifism. ........ But seriously, Let's not resort to ridiculous Grammar and Punctuation Elitism. You are apparently very bright, We all realize this and we are humbled by your presence. It appears from the outside that this is the affirmation you are looking for. If you have the mind to correct grammatical mistakes made by Nishua, then you apparently realize what he was trying to say. Which means there was no breakdown in communication, Thus the point you are trying to make is quite petty. This is the internet. Lets just say that Nishua is not very bright or lacks in education. Do you feel that publicly insulting him helps him, yourself, or anything at all? I'm sorry to resort to the same tactics. I also apologize further for my role in further assisting the derailment of the thread. Survivors FTW!
im glad you first didn't reply to me, then 2nd had nothing else to say... glad you edited your nothing else to say to say even more. Makes me feel like I have survived two "stupid attacks" now too. Not to justify your replying as a non-response, but I personally don't support the war in Iraq nor have I ever said otherwise. You just assumed that because I am the military, I feel a certain way about war. For the On-topic war, I'm pretty sure of two things: we didn't start it and we didn't fight or bomb them until after they bombed us in a surprise attack. If fighting your enemies is a stupid decision to you, then I'm sorry you can't see that... but whatever, I don't expect you to understand that either. I do expect you to "not" reply again, but you never know... 3rd times the charm. I'll just have to try to be a "smart man" and won't "find with my fist" anymore? You obviously didn't mind double posting, yet you edit your post of not having anything to say. Why don't you try holding the irrational hostility and tie typing with your fingers instead of your angry fist... must be expensive with all the keyboards
Someone been deleting posts here? Not that debating the merits of the use of nuclear weapons in that instance generally goes far anyway... would have had a hard time convincing America that it wasn't the right thing to do though. They didn't care about the Japanese; they wanted the war over, and they wanted to win it.
Kinda sucks when you have some kind of disaster and the government later drops the ball by making rules for compensation too strict, not helping in a timely manner, or ignoring the warning signs. Too often have similar things happened and no one is there to help the people who don't even have food or water etc.
I deleted my own post because there is point in arguing with Neptuno. He was spoiling my day so I said fuck it. You win.