It's fucking bullshit that this section exists

Discussion in 'News and Current Events' started by Earley, Oct 3, 2008.

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  1. Earley has a point but the thread title was probably a little overdone.

    We have a policy here at XoO not to discuss politics and religion etc. . because of all the bullshit e-drama it causes. Perhaps it would be best to get rid of this type of forum?
  2. I always thought this forum was for news and events regarding gaming in general, new techs, etc.
  3. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

    Then it should be renamed Gamer News or something
  4. Think people are just bored or frustrated at work/school lol. Which is one of the reasons a forum like this exists, to amuse and entertain members.

    This is a news and current events section in a gaming community, when I think of that I don't think about politics. I expect to see news articles about games and random events that make me chuckle or think a little bit and help me get through the day.

    Would hardly say it is bullshit, without this forum all news/events would be posted in the public forum and it would create clutter, and chaos just like the giant poo.
  5. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

    Yes, however the people who want to talk politics here mainly want to do so to share/debate opinions that they have on current events with people they know and are comfortable with. If people get out of hand and start acting immature chances are they shouldn't even think about politics ever. For the people who are really interested though and want to expand their understanding, this is probably a great place to communicate with your peers. This may not be some big political website, but with a couple hundred people on these forums I bet we can really get something good going for the XoO members who have a true interest in politics.

    Edit: I remember once when I posted a email I got about Obama. The people who replied were very mature and people started to debate, no flaming occured. I also remember talking with Earley in vent once about politics, and once again me, him, and the other people in vent had several good long disicussion in which all we did was throw around our opinions and our views on things. No yelling occured or anything. Like I said, the people who get angry about this stuff probably should never read a political thread, but for those of us who are mature, we can handle it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2008
  6. That's all well and good taz and earley and whoever else. But dash has said MULTIPLE times that THERE WILL NOT BE A PLACE TO DISCUSS CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS. He started this guild and get's 100% of the final say on things. IMO piss off somewhere else if you don't like it.
  7. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

    Heh and that is why we can't have nice things. Such a simple topic and people come in here and get all angry.
  8. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    Yar, this thread is case and point for why no religion or politics... we can't even carry out a discussion about discussing the two :p
  9. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

    And we were doing so good, 2 and a half pages
  10. Kav

    Kav Member

    I lol'ed.
  11. Tribat has a very valid point. I mean, I would love to have political conversations and such (especially about the American economic crisis) but, it is Xen of Onslaught, not Xen of Politics. I think having the groups we used to have on the last forums would be a decent idea, since they had a section where if you didnt want to read controversial topics you wouldnt have to join the group. It would also get rid of all the QQing here.
  12. Fikusan

    Fikusan Veteran Final Fantasy Member

    Meh... let's not waste our time with the groups again.....
    a waste of resources they turned out to be.
  13. The whole thread started off with a pretty angry tone...

    And some of the responses prove why Dash's rule is valid. Usually its better to just avoid the land mines altogether. I love to discuss politics and religion too, but I also know how strong my opinions are and often see people take those views too personally.

    Considering how popular this section is... just look at how many threads there are... proves its value. There are plenty of things to talk about without going there. Perhaps a slight name change would help? "Current Events" does imply politics. How about News and General Interest?
  14. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    I've seen many people much older than 18 get into idiotic name-calling matches over such issues before. I tend to avoid those sorts of sub-forums these days, since they usually just annoy me too much...

    The point isn't so much to do with people like me viewing or not viewing those forums though; it's the guys that opt in taking their grudge matches out of those forums to other areas. Can you request that they don't do that? Sure. Will they listen? Good luck, pal...
  15. I'd actually love to hear the political views of fellow members without having 50 people cry bitch and moan about how they don't want to hear about it. I've posted several suggestions on how to avoid it but nothing will come of it.

    It is a sad day to me though when we can't talk about the single most important election in many lifetimes because people don't want other people to get offended or don't want clanmates to argue... I could go on all day on how ignorant and stupid I think that excuse is but I'm sure it would just get deleted because of the same exact reason.

    For someone to argue that arguement within a mature guild causes unnecessary drama and people take political views without an ounce of understanding it makes me wonder how mature the guild majority really is.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008
  16. The subject line of the topic was already angry so we basically failed in the first post. ;)

    *EDIT* Thogun already said that. I should maybe finish reading comments before I reply. LOL
  17. not that I care either way, but...I know a special someone has already lamented that he wouldnt mind turning the whole forum into just a gaming forum. No chat outside of gaming, period.

    that was a horrible idea.

    also, I call people nazi's even without politics. :D But, I just call em like I see em.
  18. Fikusan

    Fikusan Veteran Final Fantasy Member

    Isn't arguing about arguing about politics just as bad as arguing about politics?
    Shoji likes this.
  19. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

  20. what about arguing that arguing over arguing over politics is bad? :D
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