When they pick him [ Spoiler him being the chemist guy, who drives the van ] up from the curb Joseph Gordon-Levitt asks him, "You couldn't take a leak before we started?" or something similar.
I give it a 4/5. If it had more action and better action scenes then it would be 5/5. It's like a watered down Matrix.
Not necessary... you won't know what I mean unless you've seen both movies, and even then, it takes a little bit of thinking to get my point. Funny, I was telling myself the same thing before seeing Inception. "Dickaprio can't make TWO bad movies in a row, he's just the actor". My instincts told me to avoid the movie though, but I payed no heed to it.
great movie..Id recommend it to most anyone...not my mom.. 4/5... being dream scenes..it could have been more cinematic..less mundane locals. In your dreams you don't think surreal is not real. Ive been in junkyards full of 67 cadilac's being chased by hundreds of vampires shooting laser beams out their fingers..not once did I think..this is kind of strange. The movie should have used more dream like worlds.
The thing is, dreams vary wildly person to person day to day. you have these crazy dreams while I don't. More often than not, I have no dream but the sensation of waking up hours later than when I lost consciousness. On the occasion that I *do* dream, they are very relevant towards events that might occur in the near future.. enough that when something close to it happens I get that deja vu feeling. All I'm pointing out is that maybe the director just has very real world dreams instead of the out there ones ;p
normal world dreams? never had them..I was time traveling last night..back and forth..to the past to change what i saw in the future..but someone else was also changing things..so I had to keep traveling farther back in time and making more drastic changes
the ending was evident in my opinion...the top kept spinning longer than it had before...it ends with it still spinning. It was a dream...I just wish I knew what was the real outcome..since he was lost in limbo...it must have ended badly.
Ending of the movie: Spoiler It actually wasn't a dream at the end. Both of his kids are older than they were throughout the rest of the movie, and they're wearing different clothes. The audience is also suppose to hear the top "wobbling" and about to fall before the screen goes black. That's all according to the costume designer of the film.
I think it was reality and the ending was similar to a M. Night Shamalamadingy plot twist to make you "think".
just seen this with my wife. really great movie. I think it's one of those you "must see" movies. If you haven't seen it, go right now. =) Some of my thoughts after watching it (spoiler tag): Spoiler It makes me think of the concept of never ending life. To be able to live life over and over in maybe a few hours of sleep. Think of what you could do in a week? ten years of schooling in 30 minutes of sleep? Truly WTF moments. What would happen to your brain after living life more than 50 times over? Think of what today would be like if we could go to sleep for a few hours, wake up and possibly have the answer to (say the cure for cancer cause you just lived a life time?). after so many lives would you just want to die after waking up?
So far i have seen the trailers and i am excited to see it as well. Thou i would rather wait for it to be shown on HBO.