WELCOME TO THE ONSLAUGHT NAVY SOLDIER Please report to the barracks and check in with your squad leaders. Current Officer Corps: Que - CEO of Xen Corps. Sokar - Onslaught Navy - Officer Miir - Onslaught Navy - Officer Saffaya - EU Operations - Officer Varitas - Public Relations - Officer ---------------- All new recruits and existing community members must follow these steps below to join the division. Fill out an application here: http://www.xoohq.com/forms/star-citizen-application.5/respond Apply to the Star Citizen User Group on the forums here: http://www.xoohq.com/account/join-user-groups Apply to the official organization on the Star Citizen website here: **see division requirments no. 1** https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/XOO NOTE: We cannot process your application until all three of the above items have been completed. Division Requirements: (Alpha stage) You must join Xen of Onslaught as your main organization. We are no longer accepting affiliate requests. Minimum Age: 18+ Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone Check in on forums at least once a month or when asked to do so. We are currently leaving things pretty relaxed but we will be sending out important updates via the mass mailing system on occasion. Usually followed by more information on the forums. If we don't hear anything from you for a long period of time we will assume you are AWOL and take appropriate actions. **Division requirements are subject to change as we get closer to release** ***If you have been removed from the organization due to failing to meet one of the above requirements. You will need to contact one of the command staff.***