I had a Drill Sgt in AIT(see: Job School) who took offense to the terms White and Black. He demanded that in anything we had to fill out with a Race Box(Like filling out a personal information sheet) be Caucasian, African American, ect.... Subsequently, none of the black people filling it out were from Africa and none of the white people in the room(Including myself) had taken a plane ride from the Caucasus in Europe to be in America. My point is this though. We have designations for everyone and everything. From my own observations, people who take offense from things as simple as the word Black have much deeper problems. Just happens that race is their outlet.
Funny 'cause the word Caucasian is inherently more racist than just about any other term. The wiki isn't great on this point, but it links some decent resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race#Origins_of_the_term Being called "Caucasian" is actually one of my top pet peeves.
I began reading the first line, then I stopped because IMO to inform yourself of something like this is needlessly worrying and it's my preference to ignore in this instance.
Damn black holes, they are so fking lazy. I mean comon they just sit in one place and do absolutely nothing but eat whatever is around them... There I made it racist.