The whole point of the post was to augment the discussion to consider that there is a difference between misleading and tactful ways of displaying a situation, you continually (how can I put this) "pull no punches" and thus you are known to the community to have this opinion already on your sleeve, and anyone who actually is interested about the guild as a whole already knows this, ergo the redundancy of your own post. The "contribution" of my post was (in as few words as humanly possible) to allow consideration to the aspect, benefit and artistry of tact for all and not just you, it was non-confrontational to your original point by neither disagreeing or agreeing as you said because this is a subjective matter and I do not feel like wading into yet another one of XoO's subjective banterings and voicing a contrasting opinion, for what should be obvious reasons. But I am still getting a feel for what is obvious and what is not so I apologize if my actions were inapropriate, perhaps I should stop listening to Shoji and start trying to form a more accurate opinion for myself on how intricate my wording needs to be to express the same point. Agreed.
Most games I agree 100%... and I am pushing for the open forum concept. BUT there are some games that because we do not have a hardcore duel guilding policy, actually would need at least 1 private area. For example on the last forums we had 2 forums only... Eve Public, and Eve Private... everything went in Eve Public except things like ship fits and plans for opeations. The reason that those two types of things can't be open to XoO members is that we have people that play eve in XoO that do not play with XoO. They were in corps before XoO started playing for example.. In Eve if the enemy knows your ship fitting, they can fit for that, and destroy you in seconds... if they know where your operating, you lose surprise and they can make sure to have more players in that area then you... It's a true free for all in Eve and in PvP games like that, you do need to keep certain things from other clans... Now if XoO had a rule against playing with other groups, then it wouldn't be an issue, but we don't. Now, for games like WoW, talent builds are easy to obtain, so they don't need to be secret. Strats for PvE unless your a "server first" guild also are not really something that needs to be secret... AoC and Warhammer I can't comment on as it really depends on how easy it is to obtain info about the enemy with the tools out there... My guess is that most PvE games will not need private sections... some PvP games may need 1 private section... Now I am also not talking public having access to everything... XoO members gain access to everything... non xoo public forums for each game I am not sure are even needed?
Lots of large game communities do this already and have for years... You apply to the community and if you meet the requirements you join their community. They may then also have you apply to join certain games they play as well or that may be part of the initial application. The idea we are moving towards with this topic is to get rid of the "I do not think a leader from another game has any business sniffing out players that they may not ever have to "deal with." and move towards "anyone we allow into XoO effects all of XoO" approach. That means that we are looking for a certain type of player for XoO... it's not PvP or PvE per say, but there are common things we want from XoO members... maturity, helpfulness, tact, ability to get along with others, ability to not cause drama and others I am sure I am not remembering... these traits are things we should be looking for in all game groups, as those people recruited into each game do in fact effect people outside thier own game... those are the future members of XoO and those are the people that will be wanting things from XoO...
I was actually going to edit my post, but what Jeb says I agree with, some games need a private forum, that is true, but however, most games we play do not.
How about this? Registered Users: For People that register with the forums. Applicants: For Trial Members of XoO XoO Members: For all members XoO Confidential: Secret Spy stuff Officers: (perhaps game specific) Xenate I know that's oversimplifying it perhaps...But I'm looking at this as one community. Granted, this does put more responsibility on our members, but I think we need to do something to battle the apathy which had been slowly taking over. We should be a bit more hard-core on the dual-guilding policy overall... This brand of thinking is different than we have ever had as well as any other multigaming group I've ever seen has.
Yay!, and agreed - though how would you know who is duel guild'n, and how would someone decide who and who doesn't apply to those titles, example = "XoO confidential: secret spy stuff" - who decides who gets that privilege and who doesn't...
Same as who decides everything. Xenate and the officers. It's not some form of censorship. Just trying to avoid asshats like that kid did a huge spam thread last year.
Well, to me it seems difficult to have it both ways. Both ways being: individual forums for games, and an overall community ... forum thing. Hmm, this is going to be harder to put to words than I thought. I think we all see the merit in each game having its own forum, as the games we play together have multiple layers of detail/expertise, and even just for scheduling it's advantageous for each game to have a forum to post in. I do think if we open it up so all members can see the "member section" of all game forums (to simplify), Jenn's suggestion of being able to disable/"ignore" a forum would be a nice feature (I also think that opening the forums in this way is a step in the right direction for "fostering community"). I also like Shoji's suggestion of members being able to see but not post if they're not a member of that game, because I think this would prevent a lot of work for the site mods... but I dunno, I haven't been here all that long (since January), and I don't have a good sense of the overall maturity/self control of the member base/recruits, and this is erring on the side of caution (which I often prefer). So, I think the real question dash is asking is, how do we nurture this fragile and elusive "community feeling"? The public and private forums were for that purpose on the old forums, but they seemed to be more of a battle ground than for fostering togetherness between members. Though personally, I enjoyed a lot of the discussions there, despite the flaming/modding at times, and through those discussions I met some other interesting people in XoO who I wouldn't have otherwise met, because of how the game forums were segregated. ... To summarize, I don't think the "community problem" is a problem of how the forums are organized. It's an issue of people making the effort to post thoughtfully and have discussions with the other members on a variety of topics that they choose to bring up, in both the public and member general forums. But hey, that's just one gal's opinion.
Anyone abusing the forums for points will get a swift kick in the pants from the XoO Karma Modtrain. """QQ what happeneed to my poooooostt coouuunnnt""" ect.
So by dual guilding, you mean like if I play Wow with one guild on a completely different server than XoO does, does that constitute dual guilding?
Uh oh... having nightmarish flashbacks to the vent meeting regarding dual guilding... Pretty sure we settled on "it's up to the game leaders to sort it out on a game to game basis," or something like that aye? Personally I don't think it's something we should be sweating hard at this point; considering the state of things the last thing we want to do is boot out active contributing members because they dual guild for w/e reason.
I'm pretty sure you can duel guild only if there is not a supported XoO group in that game or if its okay with the game leader you can duel guild on a different server. But thats just what I remember, but in the end its really up to the game leader