I have volunteered to help get the FPS division back into action in many games and competing in ladders once again. Friendly Fire has also stepped up to help get this place back on track as well. To start us off we will be playing Blacklight: Retribution. I know many of you already have an account in this game, and for those of you who do not, well it is free to play so no reason not to jump in with us. My background in FPS games started when I was pretty young with Quake 3 Arena. I have played various FPS games since and have been quite good in all of them, but my first actual competitive FPS game was Counter-Strike. I started playing all the way back in the 1.1 days and continued to play throughout the end of that game's life and beyond, moving into Source about 7-8 months after Source had been released. I played CS: Source for a couple years but slowly lost interest in it as the game just didn't have the same feel as the old CS: 1.6 did. Since then I have moved more into a mix of MMOs and RTS games with the occasional FPS thrown in here and there. Since there are not really many MMOs that have me interested in them right now I have decided to re-grow this FPS section of Xen of Onslaught. As I said earlier in this post, our first game will be Blacklight: Retribution because is plays well for an FPS, it is fairly balanced, and is free to play. Our first goal will be to take a group of 5-6 players from here and get us going in a well organized squad where we have good communication with each other and can dominate in the game. Once we have our first squad going we will begin recruitment (in about a months time from now) to bring in new faces to this community once again. We will try to get another two squads going in the game to have a nice solid player base for this division. After a 2-3 months we will begin to branch out into another game. This is because Blacklight does not have an official competitive ladder for it, which is where we want to start competing. We can take a poll closer to the time this will come about as to what game to move into, but it will probably be either Battlefield or Counter-Strike due to those games having ladder play. Other games we will be looking into as possibilities later this year would be: Interstellar Marines (developed by Zero Point Software, an Indie developer) Unreal Tournament 4 (developed by Epic Games) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (developed by Sledgehammer Games)
Not to question the initial direction but isn't Blacklight a horrible grind to get any permanent gear on top of having questionable item balance. Edit: But I guess if the initial goal is just getting everyone rolling together again then that is fair. I'll dl it when I get home today. Still have awhile before Archage releases.
There is no learning curve for Blacklight. If you know how to play an FPS, you can play Blacklight from day one. The only need to buy items is to MIN/MAX gear and weapons. This is not to say that a bad player with the best gear is guaranteed to win or score more points. New players can pick up the game and use the rewards from leveling up to make the game fun. Eventually, either by leveling up or purchasing Zen, players can "specialize" in to certain types of play, which turns the game in to "Rock, Paper, Scissors."
Ya, I picked up the game 2 days ago and have not paid for anything and I am usually in the top 3-4 on the server pretty mch every game already at my low level and regular stuff. Actually paying for something in the game would be kinda pointless.
I've been playing BL on the "hardcore" servers, aka normal fps servers. It removes the "wall hack" and makes everyones HP 50ish so its only two or three bullets to kill someone. It makes the game SO MUCH more enjoyable and balances the guns a lot better.
I actually like the normal modes, Domination, King of The Hill, Kill Collection, etc. Do you get the same bonuses, when leveling up, on a custom server?
I've downloaded the game, I'll give it a shot. I have a HUGE competitive background in Counter-Strike and Call of Duty series. Been to the top tier for leagues in both, some LAN exp as well. Competed some in the Battlefield series but to be honest battlefield games aren't as fun to compete in and there hit reg is awful.
CS:GO has a built in gun game : P I could never get used to Source. The game felt so floaty and untight while CS:GO isn't as nice as 1.6; I still rank it way above Source.
Ill be online playing Blacklight today at about 8:30 EST if anyone wants to join me. I will also be on quite a bit throughout Friday afternoon-evening. In a couple more days I will open up a poll for what times are good to get together and set team playtimes and scrims.