Firefox 4 - First looks

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by The Cox, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Yeah the guy in the video sounds like a nerdy pee-wee herman.
  2. What did you expect? Lol.
  3. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I can't leave Firefox even if I wanted. Only Firefox has the addons I need to function as quickly as I do on the interwebs. Here's a list of shit Chrome or iE9 needs to get before I switch to them:

    Firebug - Debugging websites, best tool in the whole god damn world.
    YSlow - Addon to Firebug. Suggests improvements to website structure.
    Greasemonkey - Holy shit, what this addon makes possible is amazing.
    Rikaichan - On-the-fly Japanese translation of words/phrases. Better than Google.
    Echofon - Twitter
    IETab - Switch to the IE browser rendering engine INSIDE Firefox. No extra windows.
    S3 Firefox Organizer (S3Fox) - Amazon S3 storage manager.
    Gmail Manager - Lets me watch six different email addresses for new mail.
    DownThemAll! - Download manager.
    Adblock Plus - No other browser can do what Adblock Plus does.
    Add N Edit Cookies+ - Allows me to forge/edit cookies.
    Image Search Options - Allows me to find sauce of images faster.
    Page Speed - Similar to YSlow but by Google instead of Yahoo.
    NoScript - Similar to Adblock Plus but for Javascript instead of Flash.
    RSS Ticker - Shows me new threads on 4chan in real time.
    4chan Addon - Improves 4chan.
    Chatzilla - Barebones IRC client. No, I will not install a standalone.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  4. Shammy

    Shammy Member

    Ditto. Still the king in my book!
  5. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    honestly, there isnt a big enough difference in speed to make me care, i dont really notice the pages loading of FF, so its more than fast enough for me. and i dont know about the guy on the vid, but i *like* things spread out and easy to access without having to trample all over each other, i have a big screen a very high screen res, no reason not use it. and finally Mark has it right with the addons, no other browser can compare, IE is screwed so tightly, Chrome is made by google whos revenue is comes from ads, and they specifically decided to lock down the necessary hooks that would allow for advanced modding (and therefore, effective ad blockers), or worse, allow users to find out exactly what kind of data chrome is sending back to google about its users.

    FF is the most open and free brower, imo anyway, thats more than enough reason to use it.
  6. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Supported in Chrome by default (ctrl+shift+j).
    Supported by default just install a greasemonkey script and it shows up under your extensions no addon needed.
    Same exact extension:

    Not sure what this does but theres 9999999 twitter extensions this exact one doesn't exist.
    IEtab you say?
    Again not sure what this does but this is probably the same thing:
    You really thought something like this didn't exist?
    There's a number of download managers that have chrome extensions however the extension is an extension for their program it wasn't built to be used in chrome (and honestly it's better that way).
    You so sure about that?
    Image search you say... by far surpasses anything an extension could do since it allows you to test on multiple browsers and multiple connection types.
    Pick one... theres like 8.

    With that said, you lose you simply didn't look for alternatives they exist. Mostly exact copies mind you.

    Sadly, that's just you being bias.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  7. Im just too lazy to switch to chrome. Plus Chrome kept crashing on a few pages I visit. I got a sweet Zerg theme on my Chrome though!
  8. I prefer Opera myself, it has many of those extensions and such that you need Mark, and honestly I like Opera's add blocker more than any other I have used. I used to love Firefox but I just like the way Opera works better.

    Also you can simply rename most extensions for Firefox to allow Opera to run them. Supposedly they are the exact same format.

    There is no real "best" web browser. All browsers have their own strengths and weaknesses, some are just individual preferences. And some of the browsers tend to have a lot more weaknesses than strengths. To each his own, Firefox is still the most popular with Opera being least popular of the major browsers.
  9. A possibly more manly sounding pee-wee herman but I expect to much out of the internet :p
  10. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    allow me to emphasize myself, there are no effective adblockers, ect, for chrome, adblock isnt as good as adblock plus, their noscript is also a joke, and so is their flash blocker. the browser its self is repeatedly and frequently and consistently hammered by the modding community for lacking the infrastructure for selective script disablement and object blocking. google even asked what was needed at one point, and informed, in great technical detail. they chose not to act on it, and instead released a inferior and handicapped infrastructure for mods. one can only assume this was done intentionally. (the only alternative being that they lacked the skill, which i doubt, being google and all)

    also Down Them All is a entirely self contained addon.... its not a plug for a external program or anything like that. whoever told you so is lying. and i must admit, its mildly amusing to hear one claim its better that it doesnt exist on chrome.... when its the best one available for any browser, and most popular of any for FF by far.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  11. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    To each his own, I disagree with every single one of those statements. I could never go back to FF in it's current state. It's a very heavy program, where as chrome is lightweight and fast.

    That said the FF4 beta looks promising and I haven't tried it. But I'm downloading it now. I think a lot of people don't realize how fast Chrome development goes and they base their first impressions on how the browser is. When I first tried Chrome there it was version 4 2 months later it it was version 7. Now it is almost version 9. It's not just a number either, the changes are indeed big ones. When I first tried chrome I used firefox and went back to it. However a few weeks later I was told extension support was added. Most of the extensions I already used where there and were fully functional. Greasemonkey and Firebug were built into the browser. Now it's again been about 2 months and the browser just keeps getting faster and more responsive.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  12. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Tried FF4 beta, not a fan.
  13. I hardly get any pop ups in Opera so the popup blocker works pretty well for being built in. Most of the ads are blocked automatically but every once in a while an ad gets through. Only on sites where as soon as you click anywhere on the page a popup ad opens :/ As for blocking ad's on sites (not popups but actual banner ads), Opera is my favorite by far. Simply right click, select Block Content, and then select any images on the screen you dont want to see anymore. Flash, Gif, jpg, whatever. Click done at the top and from then on the ads in those places will be blocked forever no matter what ad is in that location. There is no going to the adblock config and writing in certain sites or special flags on sites, I just click what I want and hit done.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010
  14. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    In FF and Chrome you don't have to do that (but you can). Most adds are blocked automatically by subscribing to an ad blocking list.
  15. Last time I tried to use Chrome, I think it had JUST come out of beta like 80 bajillion years ago =D lol
  16. Well installed Chrome, and installed some extensions. I kind of like the way it is quite fast now and some of the addons that I can add right on the toolbar.
  17. I use chrome for xoo site...its 20 times faster than ffox.

    Im in new zealand..and since the new website takes ff about 60 secs to go from forum page to forum page...or even even times out at times.

    I have no idea why ff is so bad on xoo.

    I fire up chrome..and its almost instant.
  18. Maybe a plugin is out of date in FF that Chrome has a newer version of?
  19. Fikusan

    Fikusan Veteran Final Fantasy Member

    I've tried switching to chrome at least 4-5 times now... I like the potential it offers me, and the fact that when one tab crashes the whole browser doesn't crash. But every time I try to use chome, something ALWAYS crashes... with firefox ill get less than 1 crash every two weeks, with chrome I was getting numerous crashes per the hour... I just couldn't switch over with the lack of stability...
  20. Perhaps the problem is not the browser itself but something on your computer, like the memory? That is a lot of crashes. I get maybe 1 crash every month or every other month, and it is always relating to something on the web page like when the page is using some plugin.