Gamescom demo:
Got this in my e-mail: THE WAIT IS OVER... LET'S DO THIS: Raise your hand if you want beta! Okay, you can all put your hands down now. We know everyone is very excited about getting their hands on the game, and the tribe at Red 5 is proud to announce that beta invites started going out Friday, September 2nd, 2011. We've released 500 invites for a preliminary test taking place in two weeks. Keep in mind that our beta will be a staged process. Registered members have been chosen to participate in Closed Beta: Stage 1. Our selection is partially based on positive community member activity, and partially at random. Over the next 2 weeks many more lucky people will be invited to subsequent rounds of our closed beta. Additionally, those invited will receive an invite themselves to pass out to their friends. Look for your email invitation and please know that if you have not received one yet, it's likely to land in your inbox soon!
We interviewed them at PAX Though we don't have a sign up on our beta page yet they did tell us they were going to give us a few keys to give out.
I signed up on their website a long time ago, hopefully I get the sweet sweet SWEET beta invite e-mail. kyoji just made another sub forum dont know if the other one got deleted or what and ya i also have been following for around a year now cant wait