FAQ page on the forums: http://www.firefallthegame.com/forums/showthread.php?4-Frequently-Asked-Questions-Updated-9-6-2010
I would like to get a XoO post in the guild forums there. This game has clan vs clan competitive gaming as one of its two focal points and I think that is a good sign that 1. It will have a guild PvP focus and 2. the item market will not enhance clan vs clan combat as few clans would abide by that.
Compiling the info into the first post. If you guys find anything that you think should be added, let me know.
http://www.firefallthegame.com/foru...Compilation-of-Questions-Answered-by-the-Devs A forum goer has begun to compile all the answers the devs have been giving to various questions on the forums.
I just wanna say... I'm gaining more and more interest in this game for some stupid reasons, LOL. Like this thread: Red 5 CEO apparently trolls their community and gets a ban from their forum.
Wow lol CEO trolls users. I'm surprised that no one called him out on being an idiot, the staff had to do it.
We now have a Firefall section: http://www.xoohq.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=209 Thanks Kyoji! Yea, there are a lot of awesome posts from their devs/ceo/cm this seems like an awesome company.
I'm dying to check this game out so if one of you get a beta invite and in turn get other invites to hand out, please hook a brotha up! I'll do the same of course!