Final Fantasy XIV

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Delacroix, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
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    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny
    Awww AoC that game had potential.
  2. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    It did, it had a lot of potential. Oh well!
  3. Dragoni

    Feb 6, 2009
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    Not many of you know me, only really the RFO team but the FF14 Beta March 11 is for FF11 players only PC also. if u didnt get a beta key u wont get 1, i got in so ill keep you guys posted.
  4. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny
    OMG you better.
  5. Secksy

    Jun 22, 2008
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    I'll be getting FFXIV for the 360. :X
  6. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA

    Is there an NDA-type thing? I'm assuming so, either way - if not - keep us updated!
  7. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny
  8. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny
    ^^ just finished reading all there is to know about this game and so for it sounds really sweet. I like the different approach their taking when it comes to battles. It will be interesting to see how it all works out.
  9. Vandiego

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Self Employeed
    Nish can you cut and paste here, I can't see that site while at the O?
  10. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny

    Beta test
    Q: How long will the beta test be?

    A: We’re actually trying to figure that out ourselves.

    Q: About how much will be playable in the beta version?A: Not even half. We want to balance the game while revealing as little as we can. We’ll start with an alpha test, but there will hardly be anything in it at all. That way it’s easier to implement users’ opinions into the game.

    Q: Please tell us the recommended specs for the Windows alpha and beta tests.A: At this point we’re trying to adjust the game to fit computers as well as possible, so the alpha test may require quite a powerful CPU. The graphics board must be DirectX 9 compliant, but should work with graphics boards from a few years ago. 512MB of VRAM should be enough. More detailed specs will be available on the beta test site.

    Q: Will the beta test start at the same time for PS3 and Windows?A: The alpha test will only be for Windows, but we’re not sure about the beta test yet.

    (The supervising writer and supervising editor have a few asides written into the article)
    Editor: Looks like it’s going to start pretty soon!
    Writer: I wonder how long the alpha test is going to be. Maybe a month?
    Editor: The alpha test will probably run for about a month, and the beta is said to last for six months. I wonder if we’ll be able to use a controller in the windows version?

    Q: Will FFXI players be able to bring over their friends lists and other community-related things to FFXIV?A: We don’t have anything specific planned yet, but we’d like FFXI players to be able to play on the same world as the friends they played with together in FFXI.

    Q: 9 classes have been released so far, but will these all be playable in the beta? Also, will these classes be available when making a character for the beta test?A: Yes, they won’t be fully functional, but they will be playable.

    Q: Will there be more classes available to play in the beta test?A: We’re not sure yet.

    Q: What do you think the roles of each class are?A: We kind of broke it down like this:
    Gladiator: Defender of the weak and defeater of the strong. He is the party’s greatest defense. For all-around players.

    Pugilist: The front-line brawler. The pugilist needs to think on his feet to control his stances. He’s the party’s jump-into-the-fray role. Made for people who don’t sweat the small stuff.

    Lancer: A physical fighter who attacks from a distance, the lancer must have the power to make decisions based on the situation. The party’s last line of defense. For the tactical player.

    Marauder: A powerful, overpowering, macho attacker. The trump card in battle. Made for those who want the most glorious parts of the battle.

    Archer: The sniper who watches the battle from afar and waits for his chance to strike. The party’s shortstop. For people who love being alone.

    Conjurer:The support role who can change his role in battle from attacker to defender to healer based on the situation. For those who like to be in control.

    Thaumaturge: The party’s strategist that controls everything in the field through status-changing magic. For those who like to plan out their battles.

    Miner: The gatherer of all-important metals sold in the markets. A rare find can make him a lot of money. For those who like to work at something little by little.

    Blacksmith:The repairer and crafter of metal-based weapons and tools. He never hungers for customers. For those who enjoy working with customers.

    Writer: I’m glad we can use any of these classes from the beginning.
    Editor: There will be close- and long-range disciplines of war, so there should be some balanced parties, too. I wonder if the gladiator’s first weapon is a short sword?
    Writer: I bet other weapons are sold at shops!
    Editor: And that the weapons sold at the shops are different depending on the country!

    Character customization
    Q: Will players be able to choose their tribe, like the Miqo’te sun seekers and moon seekers?
    A: In the beta test, you can choose your race and tribe.

    Q: Sun seekers are supposed to have darker skin and the nocturnal moon seekers are supposed to have lighter skin, so will this limit the color selection for skin by tribe?A: A bit. The plan is more to have a wide selection of options based on a certain theme.

    Q: How detailed will character customization be in the beta test?A: You’ll be able to choose your basic face type, your hair, skin, and eye colors. There won’t be many details available during the test.

    Q: Will there be bonuses for starting as a certain race in a specific capital? If there is, will the starting capitals be different based on tribes?A: We don’t have any plans to that extent so far, but if we get a lot of requests for it, we might do it.

    Writer: I’m really glad the tribes were actually implemented in the game and you can actually select your tribe.
    Editor: I know they said there would only be a few options for character customization at first, but I love customization, so it would probably take me about two hours. What should I do if someone takes my name in that time?!
    Writer: Why don’t you just make a random character with the same name to reserve the name?

    Q: In the classes listed so far, some weapons from FFXI, such as the great sword, great scythe, and staff, have not been listed. Will they also be making an appearance in FFXIV? If they do, will some of them be included in certain existing classes, like a great-sword wielding gladiator? Or will they be completely different classes?

    A: We can’t tell you when we’ll be presenting them, but you can be sure they’ll be there. We’re going to let you sweat a bit more on whether or not they’re going to be linked to other classes.

    Q: It’s been said that adventurers can change classes at any time during an adventure, but is there some limit to this? Like, only being able to carry three weapons at a time, or something to that extent…A: Nothing yet, but it’s possible we will implement something later.

    Q: Will you be able to change classes during battle? If it’s only possible outside of battle, will you be able to change classes my sheathing your weapon while your party battles?A: There are two modes in FFXIV: A passive mode, where players can restore HP while walking, and an active mode, where they enter a battle stance with weapons drawn. Players can only change their class in passive mode.

    Writer: So HP can be restored while moving.
    Editor: I bet HP recovery speed changes depending on whether you are moving or resting.

    Q: About how many people make up your average party? Do alliances exist?A: The average party will probably be between six and eight people, but there are many flexible ways to adventure where you can go out with more or less people than that, and even play solo. Of course, we also have something like alliances in the works. Battles are planned to be party-versus-party oriented. Battles are not so much focused on dealing direct damage as they are on finding the right position to attack from for the best attacks. First, you’ll have to find the best distance and method of attack, and then the trick will be to keep that positioning. This is important not just for damage and accuracy, but also for certain attack effects (like the pole arms ability to stop an enemy’s movement) and other things in battle. Also, and this is true especially for the magic classes, but there are many skill and spells that have special types of effect areas (like the conjurers’ circle and the thaumaturges’ cone). Not only that, but the position of the focus of the effect, be it yourself or another target, also becomes important. Furthermore, direction is also a factor. Hitting the enemy’s blind spot, calling an enemy’s attention to a certain direction, and other things will all have an effect on the battle. “Distance,” “range,” and “direction” are the most important themes in battle in FFXIV, and intermediate to advanced players will always want to have these things in mind.

    Writer: FFXI focused on battles against single targets, but it looks like FFXIV is going to be really different.
    Editor: I wonder if the number of people in the party is so high because it includes disciplines of hand and land?
    Writer: The way a certain distance has to be kept from the target sounds like a simulation game to me.

    Q: Does “getting the enemy’s attention” mean raising the target’s enmity against you?A: It will raise the value of how much the enemy views you as a threat.

    Q: Do the gladiator and pugilist’s attention-getting skills vary in effectiveness?A: The effectiveness varies on skills with similar functions. For example, your threat raise depends on other factors, as well. The ability to control threat is a very important part of the game. Characters will need to figure out through trial and error when is the best time, in what situation, to use what move.

    Editor: Maybe we’ll even see bonuses for higher ground?! (Elevation has been confirmed to not be a factor in battle –Manly) Or maybe a taunt move would be more effective after a weapon skill!
    Writer: This isn’t K-1 fighting! (He laughs)

    Q: Does guarding need to be entered as a command or does it happen automatically?A: Both. You can use the “guard” command to manually use your shield, or a character skilled with shields will sometimes raise their shield and block an enemy’s attack before even realizing it.

    Writer: I’m personally looking forward to using the “guard” command!
    Editor: Guarding against an enemy’s incoming weapon skill with a sword sounds awesome.

    Q: How are hand-to-hand and close-melee range different?A: They’re about the same. These two different “ranges” are more about how the attacks work than the range. For example, as far as defense goes, a close-melee fighter can defend himself from physical attacks with armor and a shield, but a hand-to-hand fighter would use evasive maneuvers to protect himself. Attack changes in a similar fashion.

    Q: Do enemies also gain TP?A: Yes, they have many different ways to gain TP, and some types of enemies can become more deadly the longer you fight them.

    Editor: Oh man… what do they mean by many ways to gain TP? What could they mean besides getting TP landing attacks and getting hit?
    Writer: Maybe they have skills to increase or decrease their TP in a short amount of time.

    Q: Do you have to remain still when casting magic?A: There will a number of spells you can cast while moving.

    Editor: In FFXI you had to be still as the grave to cast spells. It’s so cool that you can cast while moving in FFXIV!
    Writer: I’m sure you won’t be able to use really powerful spells while moving, though. Maybe just spells that effect movement, or weaker spells.

    Gladiator Q and A
    Q: Gladiators are said to be able to become a “light-equipped soldier by taking off their shield.” What kinds of differences are there when a shield is equipped and when one is not?
    A: When a shield is not equipped, there will be merits added to attack skill since defense is abandoned. Moreover, there are abilities you can use only when a shield is equipped, as well as shield-oriented weapon skills.

    Q: What is the difference between slashing and piercing?A: The effect will be different depending on the type of enemy. This is still under adjustment, but maybe slashing would be effective against exposed enemies, and piercing for enemies covered with shells or armor. Slashing tends to give more damage and piercing is inclined to have higher accuracy.

    Q: It is said that gladiators are good at piercing, slashing, and defending. Does it mean that there are three buttons like “thrust-button,” “slashing-button,” and “defend-button” that we need to choose every turn?A: These different types of attacks can be selected through commands each action.

    Q: Almost all the classes seem to have weapons good for long-distance attack. Do gladiators not have them?A: We are looking into throwing sword mechanics for them.

    Marauder Q & A
    Q: By charging his power, a marauder can change the area-of-effect of his attack, but does this apply to all attacks, or just the regular attack and certain weapon skills?
    A: Charging will only affect the area-of-effect for regular attacks, but it will have other effects on certain weapon skills.

    Q: Will actions like moving be unavailable while charging?A: The second the marauder moves, the power he charged will be lost.

    Q: The skill “disorient” kicks up a cloud of sand, but what about places where there is no sand?A: It’s possible to use it, but the effect will change.

    Q: Will the “fracture” ability add a status effect that makes weapon skills unusable, or does it only stop weapon skills the enemy is about to use?A: It is a status effect.

    Q: “Brandish” and “iron tempest” seem similar. Is the elemental property all that is different about the two attacks?A: Not only the elemental property, but the shape and size of the area effect are different, among other differences.

    Archer Q & A
    Q: Do crossbows exist?

    A: Not at this point, but if they appear later, it may be a different class that uses them.

    Q: How many arrows can an archer carry around?A: We’re still working on that. There are other things an archer can do when they run out of arrows.

    Q: Can archers make their own arrows?A: Only disciples of hand can craft, but if an archer levels up their crafting skill, they may be able to craft arrows to a certain extent somewhere down the line.

    Q: Do you spend multiple arrows when using skills like “replenish?”A: Yes. For example, if you use 10 arrows for “quick nock,” and there are three enemies in range, you hit two of them with three arrows each and one of them with four, and damage is done accordingly.

    Q: Will the “shrieker” move make any enemy run, or is it only useable on enemies who are in battle?A: It doesn’t necessarily work on all enemies, but it will work even when enemies are in passive mode.

    Conjurer Q & A
    Q: It sounds like the conjurer’s surroundings affect his magic, but what kind of effects does it have? Are they positive, negative, or both?
    A: We’re working on that right now.

    Q: The conjurer’s spells, shock spikes aside, say they affect “enemies within an area.” Does it mean it can attack multiple enemies within the area?A: Most magic has an area-of-effect, and they attack all enemies within the area at the same time. The best way to use this is to gather a lot of enemies inside the area. This is how the game is being designed.

    Q: Do spells like “protect” also work on all allies in the area?A: Of course, you can cast this on all your allies in the spell’s area-of-effect.

    Q: Do elements have effects on monsters, too?A: Monsters also have elemental properties, so they, too, will be affected by elements.

    Thaumaturge Q & A
    Q: It says “thaumaturges boast the most powerful attack magic,” but what kind of power attack spells are there?
    A: Yeah, we can’t really go into that right now. But there are spells that use TP and not MP. That’s all we can say at this point.

    Q: Does “initiation” work on all party members?A: No, just one selected party member.

    Q: Does the “gravity” spell also lower an enemy’s evasion?A: We’re still adjusting it, but that’s the plan right now.

    Q: How “defeated” does an enemy have to be before you can steal its MP with “syphomage?”A: No HP. Completely defeated.

    Q: Will “syphomage” have an effect on enemies with no MP?A: No.

    Pugilist Q and A
    Q: Are the “offense” and “defense” stances like changing modes through abilities?
    A: It’s one of the basic features of Pugilist which is determined by the place of effect gauge when you choose the command. When the stance is “offensive”, attack actions will be more effective, and when it is “defensive”, you will be better at defensive actions. By selecting the same stance a few times in a short time period, the stance will become more pronounced and you will gain special abilities.

    Q: Chakra seems to consume TP, but can you adjust the effect by managing the amount of TP you consume?
    A: The effect varies according to the amount of TP used. You can not choose the amount of consumption itself, but there are several levels.

    Q: Why Pugilists can “steal?”A: I would like to make several possibilities for growth in each class. So, “steal” is example of how dexterity can be used in an immoral way.

    Q: Will there be any effects on the damage done by tackle based on the distance covered, like increased damage?A: The amount of damage will probably increase based on the length of the run while approaching.

    Lancer Q and A
    Q: It is said that Lancer can use “piercing”, “slashing” and “bludgeoning” attacks. Does this depend on the shape of the weapon, or can we select by choosing commands like Gladiator?
    A: At first you can only use “piercing,” but as you level up, you will learn “slashing” and “bludgeoning” attacks. There will be some actions that depend on the shape of the weapon.

    Q: Does ”attracting the enemy” means physically pulling them closer? A: It means to draw them closer to you naturally or by using something.

    Q: Can “overrun” only be used to close the gap between you and your enemy when it is not yet hostile to you, or can you use it anytime, like from behind an enemy during batte?A: It is like rush and “sneak attack” for when the enemy is not in combat.

    Miner Q and A
    Miner’s role in the party;
    Miners can throw powerful stones. It can weaken mineral-attributed enemies.
    Miners can earn additional income for the party in fields and dungeons.

    Q: “Throw stones” is mentioned, but is that a miner’s only weapon?
    A: At the moment yes, but maybe more things will come up.

    Q: Only stones can mineral-attributed enemies?
    A: It is still under adjustment, but we’re looking into other methods using items, not weapons. This is just an idea, but maybe something like pouring aqua regia, which can melt gold, onto golden enemy…

    Q: As for “earning additional income to the party,” if there is one miner in the party, does every member benefit from that?
    A: Yes. A loot-splitting system is still under adjustment, but it’d be nice if a party could get more benefit the more miners it has. The party risks more danger in fights that way, though.

    Q: Can only miners can see where you can mine?
    A: In the present state of the game, yes.

    Blacksmith’s role in a party.
    Can weaken metal enemies and easily find metal-based loot from defeated enemies.
    Can examine the condition of his allies’ weapons to keep them in tip-top shape during the battle

    Blacksmith Q & A
    Q; Will the blacksmith be able to check on his party’s weapons during battle?A: That’s actually something we’re trying to figure out now.

    Q: Will the blacksmith be able to check his party members’ weapons without their consent?A: Asking for permission each time the blacksmith wants to check weapons really seems like a pain, so we’d like to set it up where they won’t need consent, but privacy is also an issue. We’ll probably make it so permission is only needed once, and then the blacksmith can check the weapons at any time.

    Famitsu: For starters, could you give us a basic idea of how combat works?

    Okada: While you can play solo as well, the general idea behind combat in FFXIV is “Many versus Many” where the enemies are also in parties. We’re also building it under the assumption that people will be moving around while fighting rather than staying at one particular camp and having somebody bring the enemies in.

    F: So basically people will move to where the enemies spawn and heal between battles?

    Okada: That’s right. However, one of the things that makes FFXIV special is that, in general, your MP will not recover. This isn’t to say that there are absolutely no ways to get MP back. For example, once a player has grown in their class they’ll learn abilities to help them recover MP. Also, if you stop by an Aetheryte location, you can recover both HP and MP.

    Iwao: Classes with MP have to think of MP as something to use carefully and learn how to make it last over a number of battles versus using it all during just one battle. That’s a part of how FFXIV works.

    Sato: When you start on a particular objective, everybody is going to go out to the location together. At that time, it’ll be important for you to start thinking about how you will manage your MP. There is even a class built around the idea of managing a party’s MP usage.

    Each class has a different range.

    F: Looking at the image you’ve provided, I suppose it’s safe to say that each class has their own best attack range.

    Sato: Yes. For battles in FFXIV, where you are standing and which way the enemy is looking is going to have a big impact on things. So the natural extension of that is an appropriate attack range for each class.

    Iwao: The enemies themselves also have different classes assigned to them so you’ll see enemies playing out different battle tactics as well. You’ll need to fight over the best positions and sometimes you might need to change locations when you fight. That’s one thing that makes the “Many versus Many” battles so exciting. You aren’t just fighting in the same location all the time. You really have to think about where the enemy is in relation to you at all times.

    Sato: It’s not an action game but it does have some of the elements of one.

    F: With the need to move around, it sounds like the classes with very short attack ranges will have an easier time of things.

    Iwao: Well, the classes that are right up close have to really worry about their position and direction while those fighting from farther away will be more concerned about distance.

    Sato: For close range fighters, the effectiveness of your attacks will vary depending on the direction you are facing, so it isn’t particularly easier than the classes that fight from farther away.

    Iwao: There is one other element to take into consideration: range. This is really obvious for magic users but other classes have abilities with different ranges as well.

    Sato: Think of where you are fighting as a space you share with all of your party members. We’ll continue to refine and develop more of these ranged attacks.

    Iwao: There are different types of these moves as well. For example, there are ones that radiate from you and other ones that spread out around your target. These will be very tactical battles where you are thinking about range, distance, and direction as you fight. I hope people enjoy this style of play.

    F: It looks like we’ll see different “elements” in FFXIV. Can you tell us more about them?

    Okada: There are 6 elements for FFXIV: fire, ice, wind, earth, thunder, and water. They are interrelated to each other as well. Water is strong to fire but weak to thunder, etc. Each element has something they are strong to and weak against.

    Iwao: There are many components in the game, both involving the player and the enemy, where elements will have an influence. There are also other properties beyond the 6 elements. For example, on Earth we have magnetism. In FFXIV, we will have two properties “Star Pole” and “Spirit Pole”. (Translator’s Note: It’s hard to say what the English equivalents will be.)

    F: How will these different elements and properties affect the player when they play?

    Okada: We are working on making it so that each player is strong to and weak against a different element. For example, maybe one particular player would find themselves strong against fire.

    F: Is this something the player can decide during character creation?

    Sato: No. Just like HP or other things, it is something that a player grows into over time. Depending on how you grow, you might become a specialist of sorts in one particular element.

    Okada: As an example, if you are strong against water and you are attacked by an enemy with water magic, it won’t hurt as much.

    Iwao: Let’s say there are two Conjurers. Even still, they could have two different roles where one is better at things involving ice and the other fire. There will be a natural division of labor.

    F: It sounds like a player can really show off their individuality.

    Iwao: You could level all things equally and be able to deal with a variety of situations. But that would come at the cost of not being able to specialize in any particular element.

    F: I think it would be interesting if mini communities formed around specializing in a particular element.

    Sato: Like a Fire Lover’s Club. (laughs) That kind of thing might be possible.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2010
  11. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny
    We should really change our font color for post. Why is it gray on gray? White on gray looks so much better.

    Ex. Hello!
    Ex. Hello!
  12. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    That Q&A you post Nish was an excellent read.

    If it plays at correctly, the range, position, distance, etc. for battles is very interesting.
    I hope they pull it off right.

    I just get re-excited about this game after reading that.

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2010
  13. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    Double post, sorry.
  14. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny
    Till this day FFXI is the best MMO that has ever been released. I would say that's my opinon but in reality its fact. If they can pull what I think they're trying to achieve in combat this game is going to be sweet.

    We are definitely having a division for this game and my life is going on PAUSE for the 3 months of it's release :D
  15. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    FFXI is in my top % of MMO's, although at that time in my life I couldn't devote
    as much time as I really should have to enjoy it thoroughly, and most of my friends I played with quit (We had set class makes up = not waiting around for groups)

    Either way, going to be interesting. And Nish, add me on 360!!
  16. Nishua

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Student for life.
    Buffalo, Ny
    You got it man I'll do it tonight.
  17. Delacroix

    Jul 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Southern CA
    Will there be more talk about a XoO division when this game comes into beta? Or pre if so I'd like to be in the leading force, like Guild leader,co-leader,officer.
  18. Seven

    Jul 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Spokane, WA
    Ahhaha, I will be nominating this next year as "XOO's Funniest Post!" Other facts: My dad can beat up your dad, All French people stink, even the Canadian ones, Chocolate is the king of Ice Cream, all other flavors pale in comparison!

    Thanks for this post, I needed some comedy relief........
  19. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    Oh Seven, I miss thee.
  20. Vandiego

    Jul 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Self Employeed

    There is nothing in this statement that can be argued as false therefore your attempt at sarcasm is moot.