It was a design decision to keep the models simiiar. They wanted to make sure they attract the same audiences.
Mmm I really hope they cater to the old, but issue in a new where it's unique- oh wait they are =3 Mmm can't wait.
Ill be playing. Signed up for beta but i wont expect even the beta to be out for atleast another 4-5 months.
It's suppose to come out no later than this year but...doesn't mean it wont. Also they want a longer beta for FFXIV then FFXI, FFXI's was 3-4 months. They want FFXIV's beta to be longer, so who knows, I'm hoping for a perfectly done game, sooner the better but no rush, haha please god don't rush it.
They have enough capital to not rush it, unlike some other current-MMOs. Hopefully they will play it smart, will be fun no matter what (I hope...) We have a lot to go in 2010! D: /wave Dela
they are putting their energy for FF13 hoping it will keep people occupied before they get release any type of info on 14.. IMO this game wont come out till Nov or Dec of 2010 i hope it does cus then they would of actually had some good well rounded time to work the beta out. quality over speed plss
Sogetsu-That's a good point, I hope they work on it, and really listen to their player base. I'm going crazy not hearing or seeing anything new on the site driving me insane haha /wave Soge Seven- Nice to see you're gonna try it out. Owainn- I see, but aren't there different divisions working on different games? Besides the music composer,Nobuo Uematsu he pretty much works on all Final Fantasy music hahaha I agree with the quality over speed though,no rush no rush haha I don't want it be later then September. =X
Beta invites are being sent of as of March 1st. If you get one give it to me.
This is a copy and paste from my thread, didn't see Dela's when I posted. The info I have so far. Well, I know SE said they wanted it to be more solo friendly. It won't have a jobs system like FFXI, your job(class) will be based on the weapon you have equipped, which you can switch between fights to change jobs. The quest system will be guild quests given by npc guilds. You will be able to share these quests with other people too. Seems like they're going in a different direction with this one.
I'm glad some company is going in a different direction from your 'mainsteam' MMO-stereotypes. Its getting old, I just hope good ole Square can pull it off.
Double post, didn't want to edit, but - is this just beta invites for the PS3? I notice its in the PS3 section, and they didn't specify in the article (or I read over it).
Hopefully it will be more westernish, but keep the good storyline and challenge. Not just, "Don't stand in the fire!" like WoW.
The beta is for the PS3 I think. I hope the combat system is more action oriented and has greater depth then anything we've seen in an MMO thus far. I loved magic bursting in FFXI. I know a lot of people who are looking for this game so I can't wait to play it with them.
They should make the combat system like some kind of variant of what was in Vagrant Story that would be sweet.
Magic Burst / Chaining was one of my favorite aspects of FF11 and I think more MMO's should have something similar. Really adds a different type of teamwork to encounters.
I'm not positive, but I think the combat system will allow you to load up your skills prior to them being used. Like a skill queue. Don't quote me on this, as I follow lot's of games and get them mixed up sometimes.
Kinda reminds me of Bear Shamans (or any melee class really) in AoC loading up their combos then WTFPwning people when they got up to them.