FemShep promotion for ME3

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Saffaya, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. ME2 is amazing. You're missing out on great story and gameplay. Sure there's no Mako or planet exploration, but it has another vehicle which isn't too bad. I forgive them for taking away planet exploration as long as it comes back in ME3.
  2. Please tell me you're joking. Literally everyone hates using the Mako and exploring ridiculous terrain.
  3. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Guess you're one of the little pussies who gets what he must think by reading what others write in the interwebs.

    Were the elevator dialogue scenes too much for you too ?
    That's also what "literally everyone hates" from ME1, and was removed in ME2.

    Still havent touched my copy of ME2 since january and I have no will to. I'd sell it on e-bay if I could be bothered to.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
  4. Why thank you for turning it into a flame war, cause obviously it's too much to ask to stay civil. And as for the elevator scenes, yes I did hate it, and I did enjoy my loading screens much more. And good for you, you missed out on a perfectly good game because you couldn't handle the fact that they actually bothered to streamline the process to make it more accessible. I guess you're just like those 'pussies' who hated starcraft 2 because they added shit like queuing orders.
  5. I liked the elevator banter.
  6. Elevator banter was the best
  7. Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

    I suggest you take an astronomy class. There's more to the universe than your computer screen, and it's quite astonishing. There are many of us intellectuals who wish they could travel the cosmos, but since that won't happen anytime soon, being a space pioneer in a great sci-fi game is the next best feeling.

    So yes, I hope they bring the Mako and exploration back.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  8. No I liked the exploration aspect, it was driving the Mako on the stupid purely mountainous terrain that made it a chore to get to any of the anomalies with the warped physics so my Mako would flip around if it hit something. Also the "secret" bases that were all the exact same building, that kinda sucked too ): It breaks that feeling of exploration when you find the exact same thing in the end :p
  9. Maybe in the future, to save money when setting up a base on a faraway moon everyone buys the most mass produced prefab building?

    And they werent ALL the same, the crate layout was different in some :p
  10. Lmao you know what i mean, though I did grow to hate the crate layout from Wrex's armor mission.
  11. He makes a valid point with the prefab buildings though. didn't you hear the volus and asari talking on Illium about prefab markets.