Ya might of been those IP's specifically! Anyway, doesn't seem like a lot of XoO is interested... Just a few people!
Most are prob waiting to see what FtP brings..... also we could still restart the guild up with fresh faces but it be F2P ppl lol which most are trash not all but most or BR's saying HUEHUEHUEHUE lol
People that say p2p communities are better than f2p haven't played enough games. Looking at the WoW community it's fucking terrible... Actually Horrific! FFXI/FFXIV is p2p and has a great community, and same goes with f2p communities... It has more to do with the game rather than if it's f2p or p2p. I personally think the harder the game, the better the communities. Majority of tards don't want to stick around if the game content is challenging...
Idk why even bring WoW up lol everyone knows its mostly tards in that game lol...... But most F2P communities are really bad..... now Im not saying all BR's are trolls/bads but when L2 went F2P all they did where troll and spam chat asking for GM to lvl them and give them gear. God that was soooo annoying. But anywho like I said we can always find new players
I think at the launch of TERA there was no world chat...... Its was only lfg but it was as bad just not full of morons like it seems to have
The only PvP server lol. ATM I cant play due to getting a new computer and this shitty laptop im on sucks
I was hearing that the new PK server for f2p might be called "Lake of Tears". If so I'm going to re roll on that server....
They havnt announced what servers they are going to have and how many. Also Ill stay on the server im on now most likely unless we get enough ppl to the new server since I dont really want to restart. Also EME will do what NcSoft did and let the older server fill up a bit then open the new server
What's a good class to start with? I made a slayer and a warrior on the PvE server but I'm not sure which I should stick with...
iv only played lancer, sorc (main) and healer. One can be a off tank and sign up to instances as a main tank or dps and the other one more of a dodge tank/dps