It's ice, as it was in the last five... just brightly lit. I'm pretty sure I can see the end of a curled-around horn there though. Strongest hint we'll ever have until the WWI starts (which I think is in about 20 minutes...).
oooh oooh ooooh ... GO TO THE SPLASH SCREEN NOW!!!;jsessionid=E76119AD8680407A8C2AFA89484EBD79.app11_02 Doesn't work right on Firefox 3, but they will probably know about that as of like 2 hours ago. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
Well, that could be a couple years away... but yes, I'd push for a division once the release date draws closer.
hell freaking YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!!!! OMG I had a heart attack just now... And yes, I would definitely push for a division and try and get in beta asap... gameplay trailer looks sick as hell....