Saw this trailer during SPvsWorld and yea, whole theater suddenly went "Awww" and then laughed for like 3 mins that everyone was disappointed at the same time.
I just finished watching it right now actually. I was bored and had seen everything else I own. It was a slightly under average movie. It managed to somewhat entertain me when I had nothing else I really wanted to be doing.
For all that said this was bad, being all my friends were film majors i always look at how it was filmed and not the plot. This movie was well done filming and lighting wise the plot was about 7/10 more of a movie for religion then anything else which always isnt a bad thing.
I watched this and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, don't get me wrong, it wasn't good. Ironically enough I think the worst part of this movie was the story in general.. Which was the only thing relating it to M. Night. It honestly isn't movie material. This kind of story might of had the potential to be riveting reading as a novel but when put on screen it relies too heavily on the performances of the actors to keep it interesting, and all the actors good enough to carry this movie are too busy doing better films. Were the performances horrible? No, but they were great and that's what this film needed to be any kind of good. I'd say don't waste your time.. Unless you have lots of time to waste.