If you get stuck on a story mission, and by stuck I mean in terrain like a hole or something quit out of the game don't go back to orbit this will place you back at your last check point. Don't know if this works for other instanced stuff or not. Finish your story first this will get you a ride to get around faster and open up more activity's as well. Only do lost sectors and stuff if you don't meet the light recommendation for a mission or need a bit of xp. But don't be afraid to stop for a world quest that's about to go off easy tokens are easy tokens. Oh and take the damn Sunshot FFS Also don't know if this is good or not but here is a guide to leveling your light https://kotaku.com/how-to-level-your-power-quickly-in-destiny-2-1809940209
Nice, you can also get solid xp and gear leveling up in pvp. Since gear and levels are standardized (besides perks) you can hold your own, start figuring out what gun styles you like and save one of each for pvp (even if its a low light level it gets normalized). There is also a 100k glimmer cap
Seems like those factions guys change their engram levels every so often for their token/macguffin handins to higher level engrams only way to find out though is to get an engram : / (this is for console so changing power maybe a patch that happened on console that we havn't gotten yet) Relevant bit is at 1:45 ish and stupid loud music just before it
Some more things I've learned Engrams and loot do not count what is in your bank or on other characters, and it won't think you can equip a bunch of exotics at the same time it will calculate the highest possible power you can achieve out everything you have on you at the time. In an interview I heard last night (no I cant find it now) one of the devs said they have more plans for legendary shards. So don't go burn a pile of them trying to get slightly better mods like I did. Multiple character rules Same classes can still do powerful gear missions but they will be at your base power level still a good way to quickly get class specific exotics as they still have a very high exotic chance. However there is a draw back to having two of the same class. Well rested xp boost for bright engrams will be combined where as its not with different classes. Meaning that if you have one of each class you can get 9 relatively easy free bright engrams a week.